
Perspective from a 5year old...

I'm driving down the road and McCoy hands me a Weezer CD and says, "Mom, flip it to track 5." Then he turns to the baby and says, "Bents, this is going to blow your mind."

In the car I look back and notice McCoy doesnt have his seatbelt on so I say, "McCoy please buckle up." He says,"Mom, don't you know sometimes I just like to be free!" To which I reply," Well I understand that but you still have to buckle up, its the LAW!". And McCoy comes back with, "What, so the LAW doesn't want people to be Free!"

I'm on the phone with glade and I jokingly said, "You are a Punk". McCoy hears this and says," I'd really like to know who this Punk guy is and why did his mom name hime that?"

And my favorite...

Sometimes Glade and I alternate night time duties. I will snuggle McCoy and Glade will read to him or vice versa. Well tonight I read to Mac and then said Daddy will come snuggle you now. McCoy begged me to stay and I explained that would not be fair to daddy because daddy wanted to have snuggles too and besides Mommy had to go because she had some things to do. McCoy began to say, "Why can't daddy just do those things." But then he cut himself off and said, "Oh yea, daddies are not as good at doing stuff as mommies. Mommies have to do everything." I had to force back a huge grin. I swear I have never said that before. (At least not out loud). Score one point for the mommies!


Sommers said...

lol so cute!!

Jason & Makenna said...

I'm sure he cracks you up all day! What a hilarious kid. :)

My Little Sunshine