
I can't blog

I know nothing about computer parts but I do know that I cannot plug my camera into my computer right now and download any pictures. I plug my camera into the flash drive and for some reason none of them work??? This has been going on for the past month Thus my blogging has gone to the wayside. :( Although since I am not busy blogging I have had some extra minutes to catch up on e-mails and fill out the many many questionairs and getting to know you e-mails to kill some time and also take a speed typing test. By the by that was fun. Thanks for the challenge Kellie. The first three times I did it I got 78 and under but I wasn't about to let you beat me...You did Challenge me after all. LOL. And thats about it. I hope to get my computer crap worked out soon. McCoy has his Christmas program for school tomorrow and I am so excited for him. I hate hate hate that he is in school already but I do get a kick out of every little thing he does there.

Promise to post more ASAP.

1 comment:

Savannah said...

Hey lady! I'm glad you found our blog : )
I cannot believe how big your little guy is-he is super cute (but I'm sure you already knew that)

My Little Sunshine