Just wanted to take a minute to post about my 1st born. Even though he is NOT a baby anymore...he will ALWAYS be my baby boy! He made me a MOTHER. Every day he reminds me who I am, what I stand for, and how much I have to offer. I love him to the moon and back and can't get enough of his hugs and love. Here is a little info about the boy who ROCKS my world everyday!
McCoy Loves: Star Wars, skateboarding, Rocking out, sweet foods, comfy clothes, snuggles at night, reading, playing horsey with dad, spending time with friends, and dancing with mommy.
He hates: being cold, trying new foods, running errands, when his favorite shoes are hiding, and when all his comfy comfy pants are in the laundry.
ROCK'N OUT! His favorite band is ACDC. One of his favorite Christmas gifts was from his Nanna & Pops. They sent him a mic stand with microphones and a speaker. He loves to put on concerts singing TNT, Thunderstruck or just about any song off one of his Kid's Bop CD's.
He loves to draw and do art projects. He brings home pictures he has drawn in the art center at school almost every day. He also loves to Read. He is now reading the Pre-Level One books on his own and the level 1 books with help. He is so proud of this accomplishment...he loves to read to us and to his friends. I LOVE to hear his little voice. It is the sweetest thing to have him read to me now at nights when all this time I have been reading to him. I am so proud of him.
His favorite foods are, summer sausage, hot dogs, pizza and Grandma Vicki's Jam. He calls it "Grandmas SPECIAL SPECIAL Jam!" We have found him on several occasions sneaking the jam jar out of the fridge and dipping his fingers in it. One day Glade found him sitting on the floor with is face covered in sticky jam.
BOY meets Star Wars = LOVE at first Sight or is that Light....for Light Saber? Yes, McCoy has discovered Star Wars and thinks it is the greatest concept ever! He loved watching the movies he loves the books and toys even more. My favorite thing about this infatuation is how excited he gets to tell people about it. He loves to share like its a big secret. He is always shocked when adults already know all about it.
Mr. Busy Body! McCoy is always on the go. Monday - Friday he has school + activities....story time, gymnastics, sports, park and lunch play dates with friends....and the list goes on and on. He loves to be busy. Even at home he plays non stop. He doesn't even sit to watch TV, and even when he is doing computer time he is standing on the computer chair or climbing on and off the desk the whole time he is playing his computer games. At times its exhausting just to be around him but honestly I wouldn't have it any other way.
Overall he is an active yet comfy cozy boy. As soon as he gets home he heads up stairs to put on some comfy pants. He loves his basketball shorts and sweats but his favorites are his flannel and fleece pajama pants. (A Boy after my own heart - if you know me, you know I am a sucker for comfy pajama pants :)
I love how full of energy he is. He keeps Glade and I busy as bees but we love that he is just so active and always willing to go to fun new places. We love our baby boy and know he is going to be one GREAT FUN and TERRIFIC BIG BROTHER!
I love how full of energy he is. He keeps Glade and I busy as bees but we love that he is just so active and always willing to go to fun new places. We love our baby boy and know he is going to be one GREAT FUN and TERRIFIC BIG BROTHER!
Little Boy You stole my HEART!

1 comment:
Amber! I love this post about your sweet (baby :) boy! My girls will ALWAYS be my babies too! You are such an awesome mom! I can't wait to see your baby girl! I'm sure she will be a beauty just like her mom! Good luck with everything!
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