The big brother hates to see her sad. He just can't take it and as soon as she starts to whimper he immediately will say, "Hurry mom, she needs Mommy Milk", or "Mommy Mommy I think she wants to be covered up tight." He is a good big brother. So far when he is around her he just watches her, but for the most part he doesn't pay her much never mind. In the hospital when he was holding her he just stared at her for a few minutes and then poked her softly in the face and said, "huh, she doesn't really DO anything?"
So far she likes...snuggles and being held, being talked to and cooed at. She likes having her hair washed and getting her nails filed. Likes having her bed warmed with the heating pad and being swaddled for bedtime. She LOVES to eat! And She LOVES LOVES to sleep!
Her dislikes include...being cold, having her diaper changed, being put down when she wants to snuggle, and she HATES when mommy makes her wait to eat!
I love McCoy comments at the hospital. I can see shaydon saying that when his little brother is born. How precious she is. Congrats again.
OMG!! Ha I love her!! She is amazing Amber congratulations - way good picture skills too :)
Oh she is so precious and beautiful!
That bow is darling on her too--I see you're having fun with the girlie outfits-that's so funny how those leggin's use to be yours. rock on. :)
Geez! Seems like my 8 month old Chloe was this little yesterday!! Enjoy those early morning feedings of just you and her! They just grow up too fast! LOVE YOU!!
And one more thing...McCoy is the COOLEST big brother. He's already protecting his little sis and wants her to have the best-what great buds they're going to be!!!
Sorry! It's me Nickie--this is my hubby's log on name and I"m too lazy to change it right now! :)
She is a doll! Love all of her girlie little outfits! And I'm sure McCoy is an awesome big brother!!!
so precious!!!
so precious!!!
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She is so cute. What a sweetie!
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