Good news...I am not sick! The preggy morning/all day sickness is finally over for real and I am finally beyond the hacking miserable woman I was a week ago! No more sore throat and cough. Hooray! And since I've got some energy back I started working out again and doing yoga and my body is ever so grateful. It feels so good to stretch it all out every night and it helps me sleep so much better.
Bad News...Still don't know the baby's gender AND I won't know for 3 more weeks AND I am not as far along as I was originally led to believe. Seems the preggy calculator was a bit off...ok way off. I was told at my first appointment though that the due date could be off by a couple of weeks and they wouldn't know for sure until the ultrasound so I wasn't too surprised but still, it took me back a bit because it just wasn't off a week or two, it was off a whole MONTH. Oh well, more time for me to start eating better and cut back on the Dr. Peppers I guess. New due date is beginning of March but they told me we better wait to pinpoint a date until the next ultrasound. Good news...I get to have another ultrasound! :)
Good News...as far as the technician could tell, the baby looks great. Has all arms and legs, fingers and toes, good head shape and a strong heartbeat. He/she was facing away from the camera with his/her legs underneath him/her so we couldn't even guess at the gender but the tech said it was probably too soon anyway. I was just so relieved to see a healthy baby in there and now I am really looking forward to seeing the next ultrasound and how the baby will have grown.
John is so funny about the due date. The first thing he tells the doctor is to estimate the date WAY late because if the doctor tells me a date and then pushes it back I go into total depression. I'm so glad you are feeling better. During the 2nd tri-mester John usually says, "Welcome back wife - I've been missing you!" Can't wait to find out the gender! You know you just need to go to the tech in Burley - he told us Jackson was a boy at 12 weeks - crazy huh!!! Good luck and happy gestating!
CONGRATULATIONS ON BEING OVER SICKNESS!!! HURRAY!! Okay, So I want to guess what this new member is going to be, and I'm guessing girl! We would LOVE to see some belly pictures chicka!
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