McCoy came home from school the other day with an apple print painting. The kids used real apples as stamps and they got to choose two colors to use. From what I gather the colors they got to choose from where red, yellow and green. Well it just so happens that McCoy's favorite colors are Red and Green. So he comes home and shows me his artwork and tells me, "Look at the awesome apple stamping I did today, I used real apples and I even got to use my favorite colors." I asked him if everyone in the class got to use there favorite colors and he told me no, that he was the only one who got to use his favorite colors. I asked him why he got to use his favorite colors, (I was trying to get him to tell me it was because his favorite colors were in the group of colors he got to chose from, he is also working on grouping at school)But I was not prepared for his response. He looked at me with those 'oh you are so clueless mom' eyes and replied, "Because I'm a Rockstar! That's why I get to use my favorite colors and not anybody else."
Oh my I have created a monster! I will have you know that I am not the only one though. Even his teachers last year use to call him Rockstar and several of his friends parents. He is what he is I guess. Our little RocKsTaR!
This is a photo we took yesterday at the mall. One of the photo places was having a special so I signed him up a couple of days in advance. I wanted to get a picture of him being him. He got to pick out his own outfits and props. He took his guitar but unfortunately none of those pics came out. (I am not a fan of studio pics. I prefer candid and un-posed but the price was right so we went for it) Anywho, this is what he chose to wear, his favorite bands t-shirt and wristband. I can't say I am a fan of the wristband or the t-shirt for that matter but this is him being him! My little RocKsTaR!
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