When McCoy woke up this morning I picked him up and he snuggled into me like he always does and I said good morning and Happy Birthday and then I asked him, "Do you feel like a 4 years old Boy today?" He thought about it, looked himself up and down and replied, "Well, I kinda still fell like a 3 years old boy. I don't look any different or feel any different? And I don't see any presents? That means it must not be my birthday." So we went to our measuring wall and I just prayed that he had grown since the last time we measured him. Sure enough he had grown since last months measurement and he was so shocked! It was proof that he was indeed a Bigger boy now. (Tear! My baby is growing).
After a special birthday breakfast we got dressed and headed out to pick up a few things and get his cupcakes for his classroom party. He loved celebrating with his class today. He started after his birthday last year so this was his first classroom birthday and he was quit pleased.
When he got home from school he got to open his special Birthday package (Thanks Nana & Pops - He loved it all!) and he got to open his birthday cards that came in the mail. He LOVES mail! Thanks to those who sent birthday wished to our big fella!
For his birthday dinner he didn't want to go out, he just wanted some turtle food (pizza) so the birthday boy got a pizza dinner and after dinner he got to open his gifts. He is so easy to buy for because he loves anything and everything and he is so thankful for everything. And daddy gets the present prize. One of McCOy's favorite gifts was the ACDC poster daddy picked out for him. Little stinker loves that band!

Glade and I just feel so lucky to have such a great kid! He makes us laugh everyday and we are so proud just to be his parents. I know he is going to be a great big brother. My heart overflows with so much love for this little man. It makes me tear a bit to think about how much he has lived and how much he has done and grown in just these four short years! I can't believe it. And I look forward to watching grow and achieve so much more in his many years to come.
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