He has an A day and B day, (Green Classroom Day and Yellow Classroom day)so he actually got two first day's of school! He loves getting ready for school. Drop off's are another thing but as soon as the doors closes I check in the window and he is laughing it up and having a ball. That little stinker. He always comes home with stories and cute stuff he worked on. Pick up is my favorite part of the day!
ssoooo cute! I have kids like that in my class every year, they bawl and whine and hang on to mom and then the moment mom is gone, it's like all smiles! haha! those little stinkers!
I can't believe the little guy is starting school. Richie III is starting too. It seems like they were just born yesterday. Congratulations on the new baby Cute Amber.
AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Not only to McCoy starting school but to BEING PREGNANT!! I'm so excited for you-what a perfect month to have a baby too!!! Can't wait to know what you are having and PLEASE show belly pictures! Those are my favorite!! I"ve been out of blog world lately with the new babe over here so I'm excited you'll be joining the club!! Oh, and just hearing about the sickness takes me down memory lane...I get really sick too, so I hope it gets better fast for you-I feel your pain!!
Speaking of memory lane, I was watching a video of H.S. the other day that I came across in my DVD collection. And there YOU were in your adorable lil' overalls and red shirt with your big backpack on that probably weighed more than you walking down the hall to Mrs. Gillet's home ec class...oh the memories!!
Okay, sorry for the longest post ever, I'm just so excited for you!! And I hope that when Lexi starts school it's a success story like McCoy's is-I'm so scared she's going to be bullied!! LOL
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