Now that we are back home and settled into our routine a bit more we are back to doing some of our favorite things like "Project Time." I have always tried to a little school time with McCoy since he has always been an eager learner. Last year since he only went to school 2 days a week I home schooled him the other days and we had so much fun together. He goes to school everyday this year (and I love teh break but I miss him soooo much while he is gone) so we don't home school anymore but he still loves doing his projects so I hope we can continue with them. He loves to cut, paste, paint and create! His favorite of course is painting - the messiest of them all!
Last week we tried a new style of painting that we dubbed, "Shake Rattle and ROCK N ROLL" Painting. We took an old shoe box, taped a paper on the bottom of it and dunked bouncy balls in different colors of paint and then threw them in the box, closed the lid and sang a little rock n roll while we shook the boxes up. We tried one ball at a time and then eventually threw them all in. It was a lot of fun and turned out pretty cool.

McCoy's latest infatuation is Robots so we decided to do robot crafts and of course he never ceases to amaze me with his explanations for things. So we made the flat paper version first and he cut and pasted various objects on a piece of paper to create a robot and when he was all finished he stood back and looked at it and said, "Ah, shoot. We forgot to give him a brain. He will be useless without a brain!"

The Recycled Robot project was really fun for me because I got to watch McCoy piece together objects of various size and try to figure out how to glue, tape or tack them together. It was so neat to watch him work. He set aside a Red Lid and when I asked him what it was for he pointed to the robots chest and said, "It goes here. He is going to need a Heart Don't you know!"