McCoy: Mom, I want to keep both my power wheels in the house.
Me: No McCoy, they are driving toys like cars and we keep them in the garage like daddy's truck.
McCoy: But I want to keep them both in the house tonight.
Me: Sorry, but No, they should go in the garage.
McCoy: But they are not REAL cars, that's why I want them in the house. I need them in the house.
Me: NO
McCoy: How about this mom...We can keep my Kawasaki (4wheeler) in the garage and we can park my Monster truck in the house! How about that?
Me: I don't think so.
McCOy: Mom, I said one will go inside and one will go outside. Thats a good idea right?
Me: Ok, ask your father.
What a little stinker, he will not quit until he gets what he wants. I thought it was pretty smart of him to offer up a good compromise though so needles to say there is a Grave Digger Monster Truck Power Wheels Chillin in my front room. I am such a sucker!
yeah, you are a sucker, but at least he knows that you love him, huh?
Oh you gave in!!! LOL! I probably would have too! In fact I have given in myself plenty of times to my girls! How can you not when they know the phrase "Thats a good deal right?!"
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