I have been a hacking, coughing dripping disgusting grouchy lump of snotty sickness for the past three weeks and I had finally had enough. I have taken every over the counter medicine out there, swallowed countless pills, downed disgusting liquids, put all sorts of gels and creams on my throat and sometimes in my nose and all with absolutely no results so I had to dig deeper. I hopped on line and did a little research on home remedy's and the one that kept popping up was this: Gargle with Cayenne Pepper!

I tried it! Yes it burned like all get out, But it cleared my sinuses up for a little bit & basically woke me up from a daze I had been. It didn't take care of my cough or my throat situation though so I gave it another go the next night and still couldn't shake the eternal cough. I tried drinking tea with honey and lemon, gargling rock salt, putting Vick's vapor rub on my whole body and wrapping myself up tight in an attempt to "sweat it out" but nothing worked.
I hate going to see a doc because I am a cheapskate plain and simple. But after three weeks I with no relief I bit the bullet and finally went to a doctor yesterday. And sure enough, I paid big to find out I have a stupid sinus infection and need antibiotics - more pills Yuck! But hopefully I will be back to normal life in 2-3 days. I already feel much better, still coughing a little but I have major relief from the head pains and now I don't have to resort to Cayenne pepper, although I was starting to dig that little KICK!
cayenne pepper??? you are crazy!
You really were desperate! Good thing you didn't end up with pneumonia. Come to Idaho - our weather will cure all.
Get better soon. I'm sure you will with your antibiotics. When I first got married, Dick's mom told me about cayenne pepper. Right after I took it, I vomited and it came out of my nose. Boy, that was the worst burn in my life. I thought his mom was crazy and didn't like me very much because she was trying to kill me.Don't ever take it for a stomach flu. It might come up your nose.
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