Ok, so there was no Rodeo so to speak of, but Last weekend we did attend the South Florida County Fair. Not quit as magnificent as the Good Ol' Cassia County Fair & RODEO, but it was a nice little fair just the same.

This fair is actually very large. We went at noon walked around for a few hours. Went home to nap and then back to the fair that night to see the rest of it. McCoy was loving it all and taking it all in but when it was over and we were back in the car on our way home he crawled in his car seat, put his hands behind his head and said, "Wow, that sure was an exhausting day. You can take me home now!"
We saw some really neat exhibits and cool shows. There was some awesome Chinese acrobats that did some amazing stunts that had us on the edge of our seats. This sand exhibit was cool too. It's all basically sculpted by hand and small hand tools. It was captivating to watch them work.

When we first got there we walked into the "Car Zone" they had some old cars, some new cars, some souped up cars,some really expensive cars and then of course McCoy's favorite...The race Cars! And of course thanks to Mommy's bad habits he recognized the logo on this car right away! The car even had its trailer there and McCoy got to see into it and he was just in heaven, he kept saying, "Wow, this is just like Lighting McQueen and Mac Truck."

And of course you can't leave any fair without trying something new or doing something stupid, we opted for just trying something new...Have you ever had a Fried Snickers Bar on a stick? Definitely worth trying once but now that I have I don't think I will ever need to test those waters again. It was good but...but...but...well I don't know, guess you will just have try it for yourself.