Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
Holiday Happenings...
This is definitely a new tradition for us though.

The Wellington Holiday Parade...We met up with our friends from school and watched the Christmas parade together. It was so stinking hot, I kid you not! I am surprised we didn't melt. Poor Glade got a sunburn and I did ok, but felt bad for baby belly. I thought she was going to roast in there. I tried to stay in the shade and drink lots of water and melted snow cones. It's hard to believe it's Christmas when your sweating in 90 degree weather, but we had a good time anyway. Of course McCoy's favorite thing was the storm troopers and Darth Vadar. He remembered from last year and thank goodness they were there this year too. I still don't know what Star Wars characters have to do with Christmas but it's McCoy's favorite part of the Parade.

"I just like to smile! Smilings my favorite!" - Buddy the Elf
Here are some more holiday photos from our home to yours... ... ...
These Turkey's Got Stuffed...And then Decked the Halls

Then the rest of the weekend was spent putting away all the fall decor and getting out the lights and Christmas Trees. We HEART Christmas BIG Time! Whats not to love...lights, holiday music, eggnog, snow (ok, fake snow), lots of festive family outings, and most importantly...finding and participating in all the magic, good nature, and true spirit that is abundant this time of year!
Daddy is in charge of the outside lights...And Mommy does inside...
McCoy is thrilled to have his very own Christmas tree in his room this year. This is a tradition my mother started for my brothers and me and I recall just loving having my own little tree in my room to decorate myself and display. I still have that tree today and it still gets decorated and put out. I hope McCoy has as much fun with his tree in the upcoming years as he did this year. His only hesitation with the tree is of course its ties to Santa.
Big Mac is still a little scared of the big fat jolly man. Tonight after he plugged in his lights and took in the glow, he thought for a bit and then his eyes widened and he asked...
McCoy: "Mom, Santa puts the presents under the tree right?"
Me: "Yes that is right."
McCoy:"Oh, well...maybe we might have to move my tree out of my room on Christmas Night Time...because....well....I don't want Santa to come in my room."
Me: "Oh really, how come?"
McCoy: "Well...What if Santa comes in my room and wakes me up when I am trying to sleep?...So...Yea, we should move it out that night. But just that night."
I couldn't help but chuckle. I'm not so worried with his Christmas Eve sleep deprivation as I am about this Santa Phobia. Most kids would love the chance to sneak a peak at Santa as he put out presents but not my little tough guy. We can't hardly even make it through the Christmas displays at the mall for fear of running into Santa at the end of the trail. Maybe one day we will get that traditional Santa Picture but I'm not holding my breath.
Thanks on Thanksgiving...

Awe yes, there is so much, too much to be thankful for today! I hope you all have a marvelous Thanksgiving Day filled with love and gratitude for all your many blessings.
Introducing...The Littlest Technician
What's Up Doc?
So she thinks she can dance...
Note: He keeps asking when the baby will come out and I have to tell him, not for a long time. I told him after the holidays then it will be closer to her time to come. Like after Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. He can't wait for the next Holiday to come and to get a little bit closer to meeting his baby sister.
These are his personal name choices so far...
Needless to say we are still considering a few other choices.
Happy Halloween!!!
Skeleton Boy McCoy (@ A Birthday/Halloween Party)

And our all Time Personal favorite and a huge hit @the Trunk or Treat....
The "Terminator" (XTerminator that is) Empire Pest Defense's Littlest Technician.

RoCk sTaR! (Costume parade @ School)

Mommy had a basketball outfit too and was going to paint her belly like a Basketball but it just didn't happen. Maybe next year we will get a family photo with the four of us. I gotta start coming up with ideas. :)
We had a very fun and festive month of October. Hope you all did too!

My Little Sunshine