This is definitely a new tradition for us though.
The great Christmas Cookie Fiasco...McCoy and I have made some great friends with many of the moms and kids from school. A couple of us got together last week to decorate Christmas cookies and have lunch. You would never know these kids see each other every day...they can't get enough of each other! They are all such great friends.
The night before the cookie party we pre-cut and baked our cookies. McCoy used the potatoe smasher to make a snowflake imprint on a few of the plain old round ones. He had to give them some character he said.
We gave the kids free reign with the sprinkles and decorations...
This is what most of their cookies ended up looking like...
And this is what we dumped off the cookies when they were done...this is just excess from ONE kid. Yea...they had FUN!

The Wellington Holiday Parade...We met up with our friends from school and watched the Christmas parade together. It was so stinking hot, I kid you not! I am surprised we didn't melt. Poor Glade got a sunburn and I did ok, but felt bad for baby belly. I thought she was going to roast in there. I tried to stay in the shade and drink lots of water and melted snow cones. It's hard to believe it's Christmas when your sweating in 90 degree weather, but we had a good time anyway. Of course McCoy's favorite thing was the storm troopers and Darth Vadar. He remembered from last year and thank goodness they were there this year too. I still don't know what Star Wars characters have to do with Christmas but it's McCoy's favorite part of the Parade.
Walking the kids down to find a spot to watch the Parade. Check out that side profile of the belly...

McCoy's Christmas Program...So I am one very proud momma! My baby sang his little heart out. I had no expectations for the program this year because last year he was not exactly thrilled to be there and he definitely didn't want to sing so this year we didn't know what to expect. Well, not only did he sing and do all his motions and actions, he threw in a few extra "Unique McCoy Moments" too. Glade and I had people coming up to us after the show and commenting on McCoy's little performance and how they just couldnt stop watching him. He was on the top row on the very end just having a good ol' time getting totally into the music and rocking out. And after every song he would wave and give the thumbs up and sometimes even the rock sign. Such a hoot. Last year nothing, and then this year -a little overboard...but he was just so fun to watch. My baby boy is growing and coming into his own. I love him so much! He puts on concerts for me all the time but never does he do it in front of other people, so it was such a shock to see him have so much fun out there in front of everybody. So proud of him...even in his not so fine moments...during a low in the program McCoy sat on stage for about a minutes straight just digging at his nose until his teacher stopped him - what do you do but laugh. No matter what he was doing...we were entertained.
Above: McCoy and his classmates. He is wearing the light blue shirt and sweater vest. Below: He is the one on the very end under the exclamation point!
SNOW!!! They had a "snow machine" after the Christmas Program. Not really snow but the kiddos love it just the same.

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