Skeleton Boy McCoy (@ A Birthday/Halloween Party)

And our all Time Personal favorite and a huge hit @the Trunk or Treat....
The "Terminator" (XTerminator that is) Empire Pest Defense's Littlest Technician.

RoCk sTaR! (Costume parade @ School)

Basket Ball All Star Just Like Daddy! (Spookville @ the Fairgrounds)
Mommy had a basketball outfit too and was going to paint her belly like a Basketball but it just didn't happen. Maybe next year we will get a family photo with the four of us. I gotta start coming up with ideas. :)
Mommy had a basketball outfit too and was going to paint her belly like a Basketball but it just didn't happen. Maybe next year we will get a family photo with the four of us. I gotta start coming up with ideas. :)
We had a very fun and festive month of October. Hope you all did too!
Wow! So many costumes! I am jealous! I love dressing up too! Shay is not a fan...but does it anyway. Haha!
HOW FUN!! McCoy modeled ALL 4543232543265 COSTUMES PERFECT!! :) Seriously, they're all SPPOKTACULAR on him! What an awesome Mommy to dress him up so many times too! :)It takes work! I love your header picture. Oh you're adorable-XOXO
P-S I just peeked at all your pumpkin patch pictures and read your post about one of those days! I'M STILL LAUGHING OUTLOUD!! Amber...welcome to the twilight zone! LOL That really is strange that a bird almost ran into you, and then there were iguana's in the road-what are the odds of BOTH of those happening in the same day! I'm glad you're stocked up on egg nogg! :)
Love the skeleton costume, but I may be a little partial. Jace was the same thing- or as he called it-a costume with bones. Ha Ha. Congrats on the little girl- you'll love it.
loved the lion tamer! what a lucky boy to have so many costumes and parties!
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