Today was McCoy's first day off pre-school! He was so excited to go. We have been twice before to check out the grounds and meet his teacher so he was really looking forward to it...until... I had to leave him at the door. After I said goodbye he started crying, "No Mom, don't leave me hear, please stay with me." Oh Man, My heart ripped in two! I quickly gave him a kiss and the teacher picked him up and waved me off. I did OK until I got in my car and then it was all I could do to not break down. I sniffled and I snuffed and a few tears and quiet sobs escaped while I was driving down the road. I am so not ready for my big fella to leave me yet. :(
But I know he really needs this time to grow socially and mentally. It would be hindering him to make him stay home with me especially since I work from home and don't always get to give him the undivided attention and play time he needs. Every since we have gotten back from Idaho Glade and I have had a hard time with the fact that McCoy is growing up. When we were home at Christmas it seemed like McCoy was still a baby/toddler and always close to us. This last time he was always off playing with the other kids which we totally loved, but that realization also made us sad. We are definitely not ready to have another baby yet but we are not ready for ours to grow up yet either. :( Where oh where does all the time go!
He is still at school right now and I am just counting down the minutes until I get to go pick him up!
oh come on! Start shooting those babies out! Your babies are too cute to not start right away! ;)
Oh that breaks my heart! I was sad when Ashlyn started going to pre-school too but now she loves it.
It is sad and you would think it is easier the more you have - NO it is not, I cry ever year when my kids go, it just means they are that much closer to leaving the house for good - Braeden will be 18 in 7 years not far! Anywho, you will find the perfect schedule and really count on those few hours you need to collect yourself and you'll be a better mom when he returns, however enjoy the quite time before #2 comes.
O my gosh, that is so sad! I don't even have any kids and that made my lil heart drop for ya! He is getting so big and so darn cute! And heck ya on Yellowstone!
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