So we booked a last minute cruise and in a whirlwind of fast acting quick feets, we jumped on a boat Monday and took of to the Bahamas on the beautiful ship, the Norwegein Sky! We called her home for five days and let me tell you those five days were truly amazing. We had such a grand time. McCoy loved loved knowing he was doing day to day things "on a boat." He would say, "Woooh, We get to play basketball ON THE BOAT, we get to swim ON THE BOAT...I love the BOAT!" Every morning but the last he woke up and the first thing he said was, "I am so glad to be on this boat. Glade and I had a grand time as well. We had two seperate ports in the Bahamas, we were suppose to dock at three but the weather conditions were so bad on the last day that we ended up just spending the whole day out to sea. Which was fine by us.We would have been happy to just do that the whole trip. :) Our boat was not the biggest grandest boat but it still had it all and we were never at lack for things to do. There was even a Kidz Only Zone where McCoy would go and play with other kids and Glade and I could get some time together to watch a couple of shows, hit the casinos, go dancing or just chill on the deck. Something for all and we all had fun !
oh my goodness, your hair is the cutest ever! Why can't i get my hair to look like that? What's your secret. Stephen wants to take a cruise, but I am terrified... Was is nerve wracking at all?
Wow! You guys finally did it! Took off on a cruise! Looks and sounds like so much fun!
Looks like you guys had a fabulous time! McCoy is so dang cute!
Glad to hear that the little man had fun. We want to take B But I am so scarred. I am such a chicken.LOL. Glad you guys had fun. Looking good.
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