We took McCoy to his first Baseball game tonight and he had so much fun. We all had a good time. Glade won free tickets to the Marlins game vs. the NY Mets. McCoy had just woken up when we first walked into the stadium and it took him through the top of the first inning to wake up and once he did, he was so excited to be there. Ever since we picked up the tickets yesterday he has asked me every hour on the hour, "Is time to go to game yet mom?" He was cheering the guys on with "come on, you can do it," "Go Go team" and once he learned about strikes his favorite was, "Your Outta here!" Every time the music came on he started dancing and watching the big screen seeing if he would see himself. He never made it on the screen but he never gave up either. It was so cute to watch. He had Glade and I just laughing. I tried to get him to leave during the beginning of the 7th inning to which he replied, "Just wait mom, I’m watching this game." Though by the bottom of the eight he was finally ready to go and since it was 10:30 we all agreed time to get home and get to bed. All in all it was a fun night and the Marlins just got a new little fan! Three fans actually. Glade and I had a great time also! I tried to get picturs from my cell phone on here but they wont show up. Hopefully I will have a camera by next week. I am going nuts! I will try to post the cell phone pics later if I can get it figured out.
Oh, and even though we didn’t get to see it, Marlins beat the Mets 5-4 for their first victory of the season.
Hey guys, this is your cousin Joel. My wife is all into this blog stuff, otherwise I probably never would have seen this. Anyway just wanted to say hay! So hay! These blogs are kind of cool, you can see how everyone is doing without even talking to them. Well it was fun, talk to you later.
Hey Tiger Lily! It is so good to see that you and your family are all well. Your little rock star is a cutie. I can just see him at the baseball game cheering the players on. How cute is that? We talked to your brother, Jordan today. Brianna is getting married and asked him if he could be the entertainment. (singing) We've heard him sing at the fair. He sounds great! He said he would be in Florida this summer.I wish he could do it, but we can't pay him as much as you will. If Mr. Call would have heard about your job offer before he accepted one in Logan he would have done it. It pays much better.Our blog is: www.callsjournal.blogspot.com
Keep in touch. Love Sayda Call
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