Me: Of course buddy, always and forever!"
McCoy:"I lub you momma"
Me: I love you too dude, to the moon and back!"
McCoy:"I lub you mom to the sun and shining!"

Last night I watched my little man sleep and it was all I could do to not wake him up to play with him and squeeze and hug him and hear him laugh. I had to settle for a quick kiss on the forehead as I tucked him in. I just realized that my baby has become an actual little person with his own opinions and ideas and stories. He even has his own memories already. He loves to tell me stories about things we did the day before. "Momma remember when I did this...." He cracks me up on a daily basis. Even though we go the rounds sometimes when his "toddler Monster" surfaces, we always have a good time together. He is my own personal cheerleader too. When he eats his lunch, even if its just Mac and Cheese, he looks at me with such appreciation and say's "Thanks for making this for me mom, Yum Yum!Good job cooking mom," well those words just melt me and makes me smile. Being an only child right now Mac gets alot of my attention and I love being there for him. When he was a baby I use to push "lovies" on him. Blankies, teddy bears and other stuffed animals but he never got attached to any of them. I worried because I thought he would have a tough time making emotional attachements later on and then my pediatrician told me not to worry, she said that McCoy didnt need any of those things because he had me 24/7 all day everyday! I was his "lovey!" From then I took so much pride in being there every second for him. I dont know what I am going to do when he has to go to school next year!
That is so sweet! It's so bittersweet to watch your babies grow. I do the same thing at night when my girls go to bed. All I want to do is hug and kiss them and make them giggle.
I have been following your blog for quite some time. Hope you don't think I'm a stalker, but your family is just too dang cute and this post especially just got me. McCoy is darling and it's good to see you are all doing so well! You have the one of the funnest personalites, and your blog just makes me smile.
That is the cutest! I love all the bike pictures. He is a big boy now!
Pretty soon he will be driving, dating, and everything else! :)
I also love the hair cut, congrats on donating it, doesn't it feel great! I love how you feel 10 pounds lighter and 20 minutes of less 'hair time' in the morning!
This post almost made me cry - in a good way, but it is so sweet. Especially the "I lub you" part. Talon just started saying luv you and it is one of those things that just melt your heart! And what a polite little boy telling you how good your cooking is! I love it.
Oh, I love it. You are his lovey. SO sweet! I was visiting Richie and his fam last week and I realized my buddy, lil' Richie is having conversations with me that totally make sense now. He's turned into a little man. It's so wonderful but make me sad in a way too. ;-) Your little man sounds SO cute just like his mom. You are SO adorable Amber. Was so so happy to get your message the other day.
Love your guts,
you trying to make me cry????
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