Hey everyone, I am hosting a Valentines Day card crop and swap next weekend and was wondering if anyone has any cute Valentines Day card ideas that they would be willing to share or if anyone knows of a good website to check out some cute ideas. Your help is greatly appreciated since I have no idea what im doing. LOL. I am desperatly trying to get back into creative mode so I can get my creative juices flowing and hopefully jump back into scrapping soon since I havent done it in forever and McCoy's books are looking pretty empty. LOL.
Thanks agains Ladies, Love Ya
Hey Amber, we are making valentine cards (4 different types) on Tuesday evening for a church activity. I could give you more info. then if that is not too late.
Hey Amber! Good to hear from you. It is fun to see so many other people have moved to the East Coast! Are you permanent residents or will you eventually head back west? You little boy is so cute...perfect mix of the two of you. Sorry, I am not much help on the cards...try scrapbook.com, go to their gallery and click on cards, then themes...they have different cards people have made and submitted to the site. This is a website I go to when I need new ideas.
Ummm....what I do when I need ideas like this is use google "images" I would type in valentines day cards, and voila' You'll have a million baskillion to choose from (give or take a little!) Whatever you do, will be adorable! You'll have to show us which one you chose! I'm also excited to try the website Makenna suggested, that sounds cool too!!
Caught your blog through the Heward's. I lived down the street from Glade in Burley. Glad to see you are doing well and your little guy is adorable. We live a little north of you in Nashville. Tell Glade HI for me.
Angie (Pickup)
you have been tagged.....check out my blog
I just went to tag you and see you have already been tagged. Get with it will you? j/k
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