Hey all, just wondering if anyone can recommend some good childrens books. These three are currently in McCoy's top ten. We read them everynight and although he has three shelves of books we are always looking for good reads so if you have any suggestions of what your kids like, we would love some new ideas. Thanks bunches!
The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein, On the Night You Were Born by Nancy Tillman, You are My Love by Maryann Cusiman, I Love You As Much.. by Laura Krauss Melmed, and my all time favorite in the whole wide world... is Love You Forever by Robert N.Munsch Be sure to look on ebay 1st, kids books can get pricey, also I found an awesome website for books at more than 1/2 off, they don't always have them all but try it anyway, www.closeoutbooks.com
If you give a mouse a cookie, GOod Night Moon, and there's always the Book of Mormon..... :) like how I stuck that in there? We read it to Beck at night, a children's version and it has pictures and stuff, he loves it! :)
We have been a huge fan of David Shannon lately. Some of our favorites are How I Became a Pirate, No David, and A bad case of the Stripes. They have really cute stories and we love the pictures.
Thanks so much for input gals. Sarah I use to love "The Giving Tree" when i was young and I forgot all about it. I cant wait to introduce McCoy to it now. He also has I'll Love You Forever, but right now I like it more than he does. LOL. I will have to check out that website. And Korbs we just checked out Good Night Moon. Thanks for the suggestions. I have never heard of David Shannon Jen but I look forward to checking out his books next week when we hit the Library again. Thanks again Ladies.
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