We had so much fun on our trip. Mac had a blast hanging with all his cousins. We did so much fun stuff and I took way to many pictures and here are just a few. Hope you enjoy...

Waiting to open our Santa gifts! Santa Clause was in Utah on Christmas eve. The young ones were all so excited, all except for McCoy. We had to pull him aside and assure him that Santa was really just Grandpa. That was the only way we could get him to go up to Santa and sit with other kids.

Playing with cousin Taylor!
On Christmas Eve night we played games and McCoy just played and played and with all cousins. He loved hanging out with his older cousins. Him and his cousin Bubba were good pals.

Nana & Pops took McCoy to make his very first Build-A-Bear! He has been wanting to go for a while and he just had so much fun. Of course he picked some football gear out for his bear buddy. He is such a boy! I love it!

Christmas morning with cousin Jack: Mac and Jack got matching cowboy hats and guns! Thanks John and Julie! McCoy had so much fun at your house! We just love you guys!

McCoy Making the traditional Christmas cookies with his Nana. We made so many cookies the counters and tables were covered with sugar cookies!

The Polar Express Train Ride to the North Pole: We had so much fun, it was freezing and of unknowingly sat right by Santas seat on the train and McCoy was terrified. But Santa didnt sit still long so as soon as he left it was back to smiles and giggles.