Bentley had her last baby gym class for the summer last week. She is so much like her brother in the respect that she is so timid of other people. If someone so much as looks at her she runs to me and hides her face. McCoy was the same way when he was small but at least I know that like him, she will grow out of it. This class was great for her because at the end of every class they do separation time where the kids stay in the center of the room and the parents sit back. It took her four classes to warm up to the instructor but she finally came around :)

And Mac Attack is LOVING being back in gymnastics with his buddies. This is the same crew that took together last summer so he is having a blast. In this picture he is getting ready to soar! His harness carries up to nearly the top of the building. He gets a little scared though so sometimes he doesn't let them lift him all the way but he loves to do flips and stunts while he is up there. I will try to get a video clip next time.

McCoy and two of his pals went to see the Cars 2 and of course Bentley got to tag along. Mac loved the movie, and Bentley...she loved the Movie Poster! She roamed the halls for most of the film so needless to say I can't wait for the movie to come to DVD so I can actually watch it too. (I'm a closet Cars Fan myself :)
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