First off Big Daddy Glade has been really busy with work. Tis the season...for bugs that is. Summer is a busy time for Empire and we are growing everyday. We have decided to change up our LOGO. Don't laugh, but we tested a new Star Wars themed slogan on a few customers and they love it. EMPIRE Strikes Back-Against Bugs! Our new LOGO will look something like this:
Of course this is not the actual logo, just something to give our Ad guy an idea of where to start from. McCoy is so stoked we are going the way of the "Force." LOL When hes not working, Glade B-balls it up twice a week hitting the court for basketball. Got to get in that excercise. Glade has also been called to be the First Counselor for the young men at church and he is looking forward to High Adventure Camp this summer with his crew. He is not looking forward to being the big 3-0 this month. I tell him hes been 30 since I met him so this is really nothing new. :) He is an old soul (not that thirty is old), but that's one of the main things I love about him! Current Favs- Being able to say that he is succeeding on his health kick, not eating so many burgers and NO Soda. Adding a new employee to the Empire team. Playing baseball with McCoy. His iPhone and the Pocket Frogs App. (what an addicting game)
As for me I have been falling deeper into my couponing. I heart my Sunday circulars. I recently got roped into heading up a sewing group even though I know nothing about sewing but I'm counting on learning a thing a two from some really talented ladies in the group. I recently bowled a 182! Total fluke, 4 strikes in a row! (not bad for only going once in 3 yrs). I am still doing scrapbooking/crafting once a week and love my adult time with the other moms and getting creative while my kiddos enjoy play time. I love teaching on Sunday at church for Relief Society and I was recently called to be in the nursery too which is perfect because that's the only place Bentley wants to be anyway. My kindle is waiting for another good book series to come through. I finished the Hunger Games last month and Water for Elephants so I am looking for a new read, any suggestions? And I am STOKED for beach days! We are going again on this Friday. I LOVE my sunshine! 
McCoy: is stoked for summer because his friends are out of school and he can have more play dates. He just finished his last sports class and will be starting up another Gym class with 3 of his best buddies next week. Anything to burn that energy. He is excited but sad to start kindergarten in August. He says he is going to miss his sissy. His favs right now are Youtube and his guitar. He loves to listen to music and rock out. We have to limit his computer time though because he would live connected to the Internet, xbox, iPhone, DSI, etc. He is my little techy nerd but I love it. If something happens to my iPhone he is the first I go to for a fix. He loves Wizards of Waverly Place and he just got into Harry Potter and can't wait to see the final one this summer. He still hearts anything Star Wars and Legos. Could live off Pizza, Summer Sausage and PB&J. 

And the Princess is just that a PRINCESS. I have created a monster! But she is such a lovable tutu swaying, purse carrying, multi bracelet wearing little adorable monster! She LOVEs anything girlie and especially PINK! Just yesterday I got a package from Children's Place and she sat patiently while I pulled out polo shirts for brother and as soon as I pulled out a pink ruffle swim suite she squealed, grabbed it, held it up to her and wanted to wear it right away. Then I handed her the next item...a navy blue cardigan, she looked at it with disgust and tossed it aside and then pulled out some pink leggings and squealed again. She knows what she likes. And she loves SHOES. She is constantly pulling out all our shoes and trying to wear them.
She is not saying many words yet but she signs: eat, more, done,bath, potty, yes, no, bird, alligator, giraffe, gorilla, monkey, lion, dog, and play. Oh and she made up her own sign for phone. You would think it would be the old hand up to ear, but she actually slides her right hand across her left to mimic the way we use touch screen phones. It took us a while to figure it out but she signs phone and then gorilla because she likes to play this APP with a talking gorilla. Even the babies are so tech savvy these days. She drinks Pedi-assure like a fish drinks water, and she snacks ALL day long. I swear she signs 'eat' every 20 minutes. Although you would never know it, our litle dolly only weighs 16 pounds.
She loves to be read to and she likes to play peek-a-boo/wheres the baby. And anything brother does is the beez neez. (Or is it Bees Knees? Do bees have knees?Whatever) She loves her Bruh Bruh.
And the Princess is just that a PRINCESS. I have created a monster! But she is such a lovable tutu swaying, purse carrying, multi bracelet wearing little adorable monster! She LOVEs anything girlie and especially PINK! Just yesterday I got a package from Children's Place and she sat patiently while I pulled out polo shirts for brother and as soon as I pulled out a pink ruffle swim suite she squealed, grabbed it, held it up to her and wanted to wear it right away. Then I handed her the next item...a navy blue cardigan, she looked at it with disgust and tossed it aside and then pulled out some pink leggings and squealed again. She knows what she likes. And she loves SHOES. She is constantly pulling out all our shoes and trying to wear them.
And that is what are little family of four is up too. Oh wait there's one more big piece of news..... ...... We bought a house!!!! We are so excited!!!! We are building in our current neighborhood. We love it here and love the schools. Our new house should be built by October. Construction starts next week. :) Time for another fun adventure! 
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