Blogger was down yesterday when I tried to post, so here is my be-lated 12 on the 12th. (some day I will figure out how to put these into collage form :D )
Time to wake up the Princess. She sleeps with an old pillowcase. Sleeps with and packs around during the day. She is our snuggly bunny.

All work and no play makes McCoy a rich man! He got paid a 2 shiny quarters to seal and stamp a few envelopes for me today.

the work is done, time for fun! Bubbles chaos!

Quick trip to Kmart to check out some sales that coordinated well with my coupons! the coupons didn't work out so well, but I got some Easter decor for 90% off. Bentley sure loves her new Easter Basket that is just her size :)

Thanks again to cousin Bryn. We are getting ready to see some beautiful butterflies soon. We went out and bought a new home for them.

Lunch Time: McCoy taking the last bite of nugget. The last bite is always the hardest but there is no toys until his food is eaten.

Story time after Lunch. Bents loves her books.

And of course making his afternoon debut - The Dr. is in. Nap time = Mommas computer and Dr. Pepper time.

After nap Bents needed to catch up on her DSI games.

We are always up for dress up around here - And here is the McCrOcKsTaR!
1 comment:
I'm so glad you do the 12 on 12th!! IT's so fun to see a glimpse in your everyday life!!
We've been debating on that Butterfly garden it looks awesome!!! Your kids are SO ADORABLE! That picture of McCoy taking his last bite still has me smiling and Bents is growing too fast!! What a sweetie pie! Those kids are so lucky to have you as their momma! Good for you for taking time out to rest and relax with your soda and computer (as I sip on my diet coke over here...) CHEERS!!! Love you girl!
P-S You and your Mom are GORGEOUS WOMEN!!!!!!
P-S I'm 1/4 way through the book and am finding the F-bomb here and there!! I'm so sad--I might not finish just for that reason. What I do like about it, is that it's giving me a taste of what my friend is going through-who has a son with autism. She's a great author-so maybe I can get some suggestions from you on what your favorites are.
P-P-P-S You can download Picasa 3 for FREE!! i promise it won't hack your computer or anything. I use it for my collages all the time. You can play around with it or if you would like me to email you step by step instructions I can-if you want to learn how I do the collages anyway, just let me know.
P-P-P-P-S Do you think I've won the world's longest comment award yet??? :)
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