These photos made it to the top of the Love List for Week 1:
Glade: Watching Wipe Out with the kids and hearing them laugh.
Bentley: Being outside and wearing my shades like Daddy. 

Amber: That distinct sound I hear when opening up a can and the burn I get in the back of my throat after my first gulp! Burns so good Baby! (Obviously I am off the wagon already. Disclaimer - NOT MY FAULT! Publix Groceries had it on Sale for BOGO plus each case had its own $1 off coupon. I only paid a $1.50 each. How could I pass that up?
Ok, the next one is a favorite of Mine: I LOVE to read and I love that my kiddos LOVE to read too!

Bentley's favorite book is: I love You Through and Through (This was one of Macs favs too when he was a baby)
McCoy : I love to play outside riding my four wheeler, GraveDigger and Bikes.
(McCoy took this picture: He said His love of the day was the park and this was his favorite thing at the park. 
Bentley: Loves Nap time. Can you spy Bentley sleeping in the stroller? 
Glade: I love my baby girl.
Tuesday: McCoy - I loved playing with my friends today. They make me smile
Wednesday: Glade - playing ball
Thursday - Me - Hanging with the girls at Bunco
Friday - McCoy rocking out at Kiki's Birthday party.
Saturday - McCoy - donuts, Me - spending time with McCoy doing our monthly Dunken Donuts and Home Depot Day. Bentley - getting my first lolly pop from the bank lady.
Sunday - SUPERBOWL oh and Church too of course :)
Today was the start of week 2: These were the items on the top of the Daily Love List:
Bentley: Going to baby story time at the Library.
McCoy: Taking sissy to her story time and getting to play with the toys there.
Those two little ones are just perfect!
Lovely! I miss you SO much... kiss the babes for me xox
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