Ok, I am behind again! I didn't get pictures of all the fun things we did Saturday but the biggest greatest thing about Saturday February 12th was that my Dad was here in Florida with us! He is working here a couple of hours away and decided to drive down Friday night to see the kids and hang with us. I was so happy he made the drive. I miss my family bunches and will take any chance I get to see them even if its just for a quick weekend.
Here is a quick picture-less run-down of our day. (I PROMISE to be better next month!)
1. Cinnamon toast breakfast: known my father for 28 years and just found he hates cinnamon?
2. House viewing: Yes we are looking for a new casa and it is making me crazy!
3. Toys R Us: bought the kiddos some pillow pets for Valentines Day
4. TJ Max: Just did a quick browse since it was right next to Toys R us. Found nothing :(
5: Home Goods Store: Watched some women in line be amazed at McCoy's Black Berry skills.
6. Lunch: Steak and Shake with Pops Yummo!
7. Party time: McCoy's friend had a "Happening Horse Party" where we got to go out to their stables, ride horses, play games and have some cake! Note: McCoy did not ride a horse of course, maybe next year.
8. Dinner: Pops made us some awesome steak that we used for fajitas! It was "da bestest"! You da Man Pops!
9. Chit Chat: just sitting around catching up with Pops. Makes me wish and realize I need to it more often.
10. Trouble: Family game time followed by
11. The kinect! Pops' first experience with kinect memorable! Mostly we watched McCoy bounce around like a crazy kid. He NEVER runs out of energy.
12. Good night: McCoy was so happy to have a "roommate" and Glade and I were so happy to have McCoy out of our room for a night. We slept kid free, no body kicked us or stole our covers. It was nice :)