She loves to be down on the ground. She wants to go go go. She is exploring and crawling, pulling herself up in her crib. She is full of the sweetest cutest sounds. She loves to baby babble and she just found her loud voice and thinks its fun to just shriek. Especially when she is in the bathroom. I guess she likes the echo. She still loves her bath time, loves to be sang to and read to. Loves patty cake and playing 1-2-3 UP with Daddy. She has made a complete turn around with daddy. She gets so excited to see him when he gets home from work and to tell him good morning when he wakes up. She still loves her big brother like crazy and he loves to entertain her and make her laugh. He has also started wanting to carry her, which we have to watch out for. But he is a terrific big bro and protects his sissy and really looks out for her. Sometimes he even tries to tell ME how to care for her just because he wants everything for her to be perfect. Glade and I are so lucky as parents to have such wonderful kiddos. 
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