A month full of Tricks and Treats!!!!
I LOoooooVVVVVeeee Halloween. Such a fun time of year but more importantly it kicks off the holiday season!!! All the good candies and treats start pouring into the stores and my favorite...Egg Nog will soon be in the Dairy section of your local grocery store! I can hardly wait. The Trick is to Treat yourself while watching the scale and hoping it doesn't go up. ;-) We will be busting out the Halloween Decor tomorrow and eating our candy corn and Fall MnMs. I am so excited but I thought I would start off with decorating the blog a bit. A splash of not so spooky to get me in the mood :).
Logical Logic
McCoy: Hey Mom, wanna play the Wii?
Me: Not now buddy I have a little headache.
McCoy: MoooOOM, don't you know Wii is exercise and exercising is good for your body and if its good for you it will make you feel good so you MUST play Wii to make your head feel better.
How can I argue with that logic? Needless to say he didn't let up till we played a round of golf and bowling. Love that never give up throw everything you got at' em attitude! Hope he carries it with him always. =D
Me: Not now buddy I have a little headache.
McCoy: MoooOOM, don't you know Wii is exercise and exercising is good for your body and if its good for you it will make you feel good so you MUST play Wii to make your head feel better.
How can I argue with that logic? Needless to say he didn't let up till we played a round of golf and bowling. Love that never give up throw everything you got at' em attitude! Hope he carries it with him always. =D
Taking the plunge...literally
I am so happy and pleased to announced that I was baptized yesterday. To some this may seem like no big news. And to others it may seem like a real shock. To me it means so much. I have always had a personal relationship with God. When I pray I know he hears me and he always answers my prayers. He has never left me to feel alone. I have been praying long and hard these last few months for many answers, and true as always, Heavenly Father has been there yet again to answer my prayers and to guide me. My heart is humbled and grateful, empowered and calm. I know without doubt that the decisions I have made are inspired and blessed by my savior. I hope I can always remember who I am, and the reasons behind my choices. And I hope these choices will help me to be a good example to my babies and my husband.
Yesterday morning when i was getting ready, McCoy came in my room and gave me a huge hug and a kiss and said, "Mom, I am so E-X-cited for your baptism and I am so H-A-P-P-Y happy for YOU!" And when those little hands wrapped around my neck life could not have gotten any sweeter at the moment. Right here, right now, I am doing what I know is right.
I'm not just getting my feet wet any more, I have been dunked, taken the plunge, the warm water swim, and so on. =) And it feels good!
Yesterday morning when i was getting ready, McCoy came in my room and gave me a huge hug and a kiss and said, "Mom, I am so E-X-cited for your baptism and I am so H-A-P-P-Y happy for YOU!" And when those little hands wrapped around my neck life could not have gotten any sweeter at the moment. Right here, right now, I am doing what I know is right.
I'm not just getting my feet wet any more, I have been dunked, taken the plunge, the warm water swim, and so on. =) And it feels good!
A conversation I don't want to forget...
More funny McCoy"isms"
While having lunch today McCoy asked me out of the blue, "Mom, do you miss Fafa?" (Fafa is my grandfather who passed away this year). I said yes and this lead to a discussion about heaven. We talked about what heaven looks like and how we get to heaven and how Jesus got to heaven. We got on to the terms ascend and descend and then McCoy came up with his own term: don'tscend. This is how he described don'tscend...
"Well, if I bad guy ascends up to heaven God is going to look at him and say, NO way, "don'tscend" that guy up here. Then down he goes.
I have to say I was cracking up! We further discussed the topic because I could see the terminology needed a bit more clarity, but man was that funny. I LOVE having him home with me. Homeschooling this year has been the best decision ever!
While having lunch today McCoy asked me out of the blue, "Mom, do you miss Fafa?" (Fafa is my grandfather who passed away this year). I said yes and this lead to a discussion about heaven. We talked about what heaven looks like and how we get to heaven and how Jesus got to heaven. We got on to the terms ascend and descend and then McCoy came up with his own term: don'tscend. This is how he described don'tscend...
"Well, if I bad guy ascends up to heaven God is going to look at him and say, NO way, "don'tscend" that guy up here. Then down he goes.
I have to say I was cracking up! We further discussed the topic because I could see the terminology needed a bit more clarity, but man was that funny. I LOVE having him home with me. Homeschooling this year has been the best decision ever!
The sleepy acrobat
Bentley Paige is such a crazy sleeper. I went to check on her during her afternoon nap and this is how I found her...And Yes! That is her FOOT. 

She must be comfy because she is still sound asleep. :)
She must be comfy because she is still sound asleep. :)
Somebody is half a year old already!!!!

She loves to be down on the ground. She wants to go go go. She is exploring and crawling, pulling herself up in her crib. She is full of the sweetest cutest sounds. She loves to baby babble and she just found her loud voice and thinks its fun to just shriek. Especially when she is in the bathroom. I guess she likes the echo. She still loves her bath time, loves to be sang to and read to. Loves patty cake and playing 1-2-3 UP with Daddy. She has made a complete turn around with daddy. She gets so excited to see him when he gets home from work and to tell him good morning when he wakes up. She still loves her big brother like crazy and he loves to entertain her and make her laugh. He has also started wanting to carry her, which we have to watch out for. But he is a terrific big bro and protects his sissy and really looks out for her. Sometimes he even tries to tell ME how to care for her just because he wants everything for her to be perfect. Glade and I are so lucky as parents to have such wonderful kiddos. 
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My Little Sunshine