We had so much fun playing with our friends over fourth of July weekend. McCoy got to ride his bike in the annual wellington ward bike parade and he was stoked because last year we didn't let him do it sans training wheels because he was still a little wobbly but this year the wheels came off! He was so proud to be riding around like the big boys. After the pancake breakfast we went over to some friends for a BBQ and pool play day. It rained the whole time but that didnt stop the kids from swimming and the grown ups from enjoying some good conversation and yummy food.

Sunday we did more BBQ'n and watching a firework show. Bentley loved it! Mac was still a little scared (he has never been one for the firworks), but he braved through it. He watched the loud fireworks from inside the house on the stairs and then when a couple of other kids got scared and we moved them inside, they seemed much more happier to watch the show from the kitchen window LOL. It was a fun fun weekend.

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