I love Holiday's. We had a very fun family day. First we headed out to the annual Bike Parade at the Wellington Church. Poor McCoy, his bike is getting way to small for him but I like that it is low to the ground because he has been riding trying to ride without training wheels for the past few weeks. He is still learning so I put them back on for the parade. I could just envision a wreck and a pile of bikes, streamers and crying kids...so yup, i put them back on. But he didn't mind. And he never complained about his little bike. He rode around the little parking lot parade route with a big smile. His cute little plastic Uncle Sam hat was not our best idea though. He took it off and his poor head was soaking wet. But he did sure look cute! There was a pancake breakfast afterward that was very Delicious. And then we headed home for quick showers and a little rest time before the afternoon activities.

We are so lucky to have such wonderful friends who's parents have opened up there home to us and let us join their family activities more times than we can count. We had an awesome Fourth of July BBQ decked out with a Southern style Feast. The food was all boiled: shrimp, potatoes, sausage, corn on the cob: and then it was all thrown on a long table and you just walk right up to the table and hand pick out your food. I have never had anything quiet like that and I must say it was so fun. There was also so much other food, BBQ chicken, hot dogs, salads, appetizers galor and awesome desserts! We ate way to much but it was all sooo good.
McCoy spent the majority of the day in his swim trunks and I even got in the pool for a bit, and Glade...Well Glade got THROWN in the pool shoes and clothes and all. It was Hilarious! My friends mom who I have to tell you is a tiny woman about my height, pushed him over into the pool. He got her back later but as soon as he picked her up and threw her in, along comes John her husband to defend his wives honer and in goes Glade again. I even got to play too, I tricked one of our friends over to the side of the pool and then shoved him in clothes and all. It was good fun pool wars and we all had a blast. Thanks again Convery's for having us over.
Afterward we wanted to head downtown to watch the fireworks but decided against it since McCoy is still really not a big fan of loud noises and he was way to tired to take anywhere any way. Luckily he fell asleep right before we headed home and Glade and I got to watch a couple fire works before we got home. It was a wonderful Fourth of July not soon to be forgotten.
1 comment:
I need some firm dates -Missy Change All The Plans!
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