Idaho Here We come!
Fingers crossed McCoy and I are headed to the airport in the morning. We will be hitting a couple of airports tomorrow and hopefully make our way to Salt Lake by evening. Wish us luck! Can't wait to see all the fam and be in Idaho! Love you all...Here We Come!
Who you calling Chunky...
Baby Blood Update...Well, I am still waiting for some relief on the morning/evening sickness. I never got sick with McCoy so this is a whole new ball game for me but hopefully I am almost past this stage. I am really excited but being sick and tired does tend to wear on my excitement level a bit. I sleep ALOT! Glade is so wonderful to notice when I am fading fast and lead me to bed and take Mccoy out of the house for a bit so I can rest. I can't really complain too much but I know I will just be so much more happier when the nausea stage passes.
But being sick doesn't seem to be affecting my overall weight gain any. My belly has already popped. I wasn't expecting this until the end of the fourth month but thanks to my lovely "Loose" tummy from baby number 1, which seemed to remember all to well being rounded, my belly just couldn't stay down. :) Oh, well its just a physical reminder that there is a little fella or girly growing in there. :) McCoy still insists it is a boy growing in there because he really wants a brother. Only time will tell though and we just can't wait to find out!
But being sick doesn't seem to be affecting my overall weight gain any. My belly has already popped. I wasn't expecting this until the end of the fourth month but thanks to my lovely "Loose" tummy from baby number 1, which seemed to remember all to well being rounded, my belly just couldn't stay down. :) Oh, well its just a physical reminder that there is a little fella or girly growing in there. :) McCoy still insists it is a boy growing in there because he really wants a brother. Only time will tell though and we just can't wait to find out!
McCoy Update...
A few things you might not know about McCoy...
1. He LOVES HIS MOMMY AND DADDY so much that he still sleeps with them at night to make sure they stay safe and don't get scared.
2. He LOVES just about anything with wheels...cars, monster trucks, etc.
3. He is only 3 but he packs food away. He can eat 2-3 hot dogs, 3-4 slices of
pizza, or a "Daddy" size bowl of ice cream in one sitting and still ask me 20
minutes later for a "Snack"
4. He is very afraid of most noises. The sound on most of his toys is turned off so the toys don't go off by accident and scare him.
5. His current favorite songs are TNT-ACDC, Boom Boom POW -Black Eyed Peas, Fire Burning on the Dance Floor - Sean Kingston, and Waking up in Vegas - Katy Perry.
6. He loves shoes, I fear as he gets older and his kicks get more expensive I am gonna be in for trouble. He likes fancy sneakers...it's his thing.
7. His favorite drink is still "Pink" milk.
8. He is excited for school to start. He goes five days a week in the fall. Momma is not so excited :( but working on it.
9. Right now he says he doesn't want to be a grown up. Because as he puts it... "I like being my size, cuz that's the same size as my friends. I just like being a boy"
And last but not least... ... ... ... ... ...
5. HE IS FINALLY GOING TO BE A BIG BROTHER!!! Thats right we are expecting! And we are all so excited! Just don't call McCoy a Big Brother. . .He said he is not Big enough or old enough to be a BIG brother yet. He can just be a BOY brother he said. Dang it, he is too darn cute! Hope the next one is just as fun! We can't wait to meet him or her in February. That's right, I am about 10 weeks prego. Already starting to pop a little. Brother and daddy are way excited! McCoy says its going to be a boy but so far I have been really sick and I was never sick with McCoy so we will see. Daddy was hoping for a boy but gets a little gleam in his eye when we talk about it being a girl, and I am just excited! Boy Girl BABY I can't wait! McCoy nicknamed the baby Baby Blood? I have no idea why other than he heard me talking about the baby and all the routine blood work I was going to have on my next visit. But yes, right now it is baby blood. And McCoy has already embraced his BOY Brother role. He is very protective of my belly, if I say that I am cold he will cover me stomach with a blanket so the baby doesn't get chilly. After everything I eat he wants to know if the baby likes it or not. And if I get sick he says, "Well guess you shouldn't eat that, the baby doesn't like it."
We are just so thrilled and can't wait to share more news about our new budding family member. More updates to come and next month Ultrasound pictures! :)
1. He LOVES HIS MOMMY AND DADDY so much that he still sleeps with them at night to make sure they stay safe and don't get scared.
2. He LOVES just about anything with wheels...cars, monster trucks, etc.
3. He is only 3 but he packs food away. He can eat 2-3 hot dogs, 3-4 slices of
pizza, or a "Daddy" size bowl of ice cream in one sitting and still ask me 20
minutes later for a "Snack"
4. He is very afraid of most noises. The sound on most of his toys is turned off so the toys don't go off by accident and scare him.
5. His current favorite songs are TNT-ACDC, Boom Boom POW -Black Eyed Peas, Fire Burning on the Dance Floor - Sean Kingston, and Waking up in Vegas - Katy Perry.
6. He loves shoes, I fear as he gets older and his kicks get more expensive I am gonna be in for trouble. He likes fancy sneakers...it's his thing.
7. His favorite drink is still "Pink" milk.
8. He is excited for school to start. He goes five days a week in the fall. Momma is not so excited :( but working on it.
9. Right now he says he doesn't want to be a grown up. Because as he puts it... "I like being my size, cuz that's the same size as my friends. I just like being a boy"
And last but not least... ... ... ... ... ...
5. HE IS FINALLY GOING TO BE A BIG BROTHER!!! Thats right we are expecting! And we are all so excited! Just don't call McCoy a Big Brother. . .He said he is not Big enough or old enough to be a BIG brother yet. He can just be a BOY brother he said. Dang it, he is too darn cute! Hope the next one is just as fun! We can't wait to meet him or her in February. That's right, I am about 10 weeks prego. Already starting to pop a little. Brother and daddy are way excited! McCoy says its going to be a boy but so far I have been really sick and I was never sick with McCoy so we will see. Daddy was hoping for a boy but gets a little gleam in his eye when we talk about it being a girl, and I am just excited! Boy Girl BABY I can't wait! McCoy nicknamed the baby Baby Blood? I have no idea why other than he heard me talking about the baby and all the routine blood work I was going to have on my next visit. But yes, right now it is baby blood. And McCoy has already embraced his BOY Brother role. He is very protective of my belly, if I say that I am cold he will cover me stomach with a blanket so the baby doesn't get chilly. After everything I eat he wants to know if the baby likes it or not. And if I get sick he says, "Well guess you shouldn't eat that, the baby doesn't like it."
We are just so thrilled and can't wait to share more news about our new budding family member. More updates to come and next month Ultrasound pictures! :)
Can't get enough Cars....

So when the movie Lightning McQueen first came out we took McCoy to the theatre. Granted he wasn't even a year old yet, but I love Disney movies too so we thought we would give it a try. Sad to say he slept through the WHOLE thing. But when the movie got to DVD we got it for him and he couldn't get enough of it! We watched it several times daily for a whole year. We went through two DVDS and its time for a third. He has the show and all the characters names memorized. We don't watch it quiet so much anymore but he still loves collecting the cars and playing with them. If we happen to be down the cars isles, which is every time we enter a store, we check for cars we don't have and if he has been exceptionally good that week we will pick up a new car. But the bulk of his collection comes from his awesome Pops. Last time we counted it was somewhere around 124 cars. Just about every time Pops goes on a trip he picks up a new car for McCoy and sends him a special "Package." McCoy gets more mail than any 3 year old I know. The kid loves to get special packages and letters from his grandparents, both sets have been wonderful in keeping in touch with him.

McCoy wanted to take some pictures to show Pops all his cool cars, so here you go Pops, these are for you...

Fourth of July Fun...

I love Holiday's. We had a very fun family day. First we headed out to the annual Bike Parade at the Wellington Church. Poor McCoy, his bike is getting way to small for him but I like that it is low to the ground because he has been riding trying to ride without training wheels for the past few weeks. He is still learning so I put them back on for the parade. I could just envision a wreck and a pile of bikes, streamers and crying kids...so yup, i put them back on. But he didn't mind. And he never complained about his little bike. He rode around the little parking lot parade route with a big smile. His cute little plastic Uncle Sam hat was not our best idea though. He took it off and his poor head was soaking wet. But he did sure look cute! There was a pancake breakfast afterward that was very Delicious. And then we headed home for quick showers and a little rest time before the afternoon activities.

We are so lucky to have such wonderful friends who's parents have opened up there home to us and let us join their family activities more times than we can count. We had an awesome Fourth of July BBQ decked out with a Southern style Feast. The food was all boiled: shrimp, potatoes, sausage, corn on the cob: and then it was all thrown on a long table and you just walk right up to the table and hand pick out your food. I have never had anything quiet like that and I must say it was so fun. There was also so much other food, BBQ chicken, hot dogs, salads, appetizers galor and awesome desserts! We ate way to much but it was all sooo good.
McCoy spent the majority of the day in his swim trunks and I even got in the pool for a bit, and Glade...Well Glade got THROWN in the pool shoes and clothes and all. It was Hilarious! My friends mom who I have to tell you is a tiny woman about my height, pushed him over into the pool. He got her back later but as soon as he picked her up and threw her in, along comes John her husband to defend his wives honer and in goes Glade again. I even got to play too, I tricked one of our friends over to the side of the pool and then shoved him in clothes and all. It was good fun pool wars and we all had a blast. Thanks again Convery's for having us over.
Afterward we wanted to head downtown to watch the fireworks but decided against it since McCoy is still really not a big fan of loud noises and he was way to tired to take anywhere any way. Luckily he fell asleep right before we headed home and Glade and I got to watch a couple fire works before we got home. It was a wonderful Fourth of July not soon to be forgotten.
McCoy's Crafty Thanks
McCoy loves to "Create." It's hard to get him to sit still long enough to get into a project sometimes, but once he gets going he has a ball. He even has his own little craft bag he pulls out when he is ready to get busy. 
Of course he loves to paint because of the mess it makes I'm sure, and he loves stickers and stamps too.
So for project time last week he decided that since he had some very special people he had to give thanks to that he would make them all "crafty cards like mommy does". So I helped him cut out the cards and squares to decorate the cards and he glued and stamped them himself. Than He painted white paper lunch sacks to us as envelopes. He had to help me read the addresses so I could write them out, and then he labeled and stamped them.

Since he still can't quiet reach the mailbox I had to lift him up to stick his letters in and then he wanted to sit there till the mail Lady came. But the rain drove us inside before we got to see them delivered.
And a few weeks ago we had some of McCoy's little play mates over for a "BEAR'Y Special Picnic". The kids came and played and we had an indoor picnic and decorated Bear masks. I love watching little ones get color and glue and then Beam with Pride not afraid to say "Hey look at Mine, It is Beautiful or Take a Picture of Me and My awesome Project!" I wish we could all be so proud!

My dining room table is covered in glue and paint constantly but it just reminds me of how much fun we have while we play and create there.

Of course he loves to paint because of the mess it makes I'm sure, and he loves stickers and stamps too.

So for project time last week he decided that since he had some very special people he had to give thanks to that he would make them all "crafty cards like mommy does". So I helped him cut out the cards and squares to decorate the cards and he glued and stamped them himself. Than He painted white paper lunch sacks to us as envelopes. He had to help me read the addresses so I could write them out, and then he labeled and stamped them.

Since he still can't quiet reach the mailbox I had to lift him up to stick his letters in and then he wanted to sit there till the mail Lady came. But the rain drove us inside before we got to see them delivered.
And a few weeks ago we had some of McCoy's little play mates over for a "BEAR'Y Special Picnic". The kids came and played and we had an indoor picnic and decorated Bear masks. I love watching little ones get color and glue and then Beam with Pride not afraid to say "Hey look at Mine, It is Beautiful or Take a Picture of Me and My awesome Project!" I wish we could all be so proud!

My dining room table is covered in glue and paint constantly but it just reminds me of how much fun we have while we play and create there.
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My Little Sunshine