Top 28 Things I love about you...
1. The way you rile me up and make me so angry and then make me laugh
2. The way you can toss McCoy around and make him laugh so hard
3. The way your pillow smells like you and Ohhhh soooo good
4. Your addiction to Addidas Superstars. Since I've known you, you have never been without at least one pair in your closet
5. Your drive to complete things
6. That you are still best friends with your childhood playmate
7. That you let me let me abuse you. ;D I'm sorry I punch and slap but You know I can't help it, I'm just a physical person. Thanks for taking it like a man!
8. When I need it the most you let me snuggle and cuddle you even though I know you hate to be snuggled.
9. I bet you don't even realize it, but you are always seeking out opportunities to teach McCoy new things and it amazes me how much and how fast he learns from you.
10. Your no fuss hair. Even though it pisses me off when I spend a half hour on my hair and you walk into the bathroom and dab some surf wax on yours and are done in less than a minute...grrr. but I gotta love it still.
11. The way you still open doors for me and teach McCoy to do the same.
12. The fact that you have the mindset and stubbornness of an 80 year old man. :) Your so Old'School sometimes but it works for us.
13. All the hard work you do to make our life so great!
14. That you still insist we all take a family nap on Sunday
15. When you smile! It's infectious and always makes me smile too.
16. Your goofy boyish charm...that lets have fun, play and get dirty, lay in the grass, drink from the hose country boyish charm
17. You never leave without giving me a goodbye kiss.
18. You sense when I am moody and you let me be, but when I am needy you are right there
19. That You are such an awesome daddy!I can't wait to have more kiddos with you
20. That you keep more grounded and sane
21. You always think 10 steps ahead even though you come off as a "let it Ride" type of guy
22. You can remember numbers like the Rainman can count. It is crazy how you remember every ones phones numbers and addresses. It baffles me still.
23. You celebrate my half birthday! :)
24. You are honest with me always. Sometimes too honest...when something makes me look fat...Lie to Me! NO, just kidding. I love that I can ask you a question any question and you will tell me exactly how you feel and give me an honest answer.
25. You're a Mommas Boy. You love your mom so much and you are close with her and I think that is so wonderful and special. Most of all you are OK with McCoy being one too. You know I love that boy to much but I can't help it! What mother can!
26. You look dead sexy in Basketball shorts and a T-Shirt Grrrr Baby.
27. You have such drive and determination. You know what you want and you go after it.
28. And most of all...I love you because you are you! You are intelligent, responsible, fun, sexy, a good friend, a great daddy, a wonderful hubby and I HEART YOU MADLY!
Happy 28th Birthday Babe! Today is going to be FANTABULOUS!
Woo Hoo, It's your birthday, your gonna party like it's your birthday! Tell Glade I hope he can party like a rockstar, it may be a little hard at his ripe ole' age, but it can be done with a little work!
Happy Birthday Glade!
That's quite a list! Aren't we lucky to call Peterson men our own!
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