When you are the mom of a three year old the sky is the limit. You can be anything you want to be....er...anything your three year wants you to be. These are a few of the fancy things McCoy dreamed up for me TODAY...
Rock Idol: I started off the day as a RocKsTaR! Singing a duo with the one and only Mac Man! We rocked B-I-N-G-O all the way to school this morning & we even had time to do an oncore of Head Shoulders Knees & Toes! Even in the Car Seat McCoy can bust a move! I know its going to be a good day when he buckles in and says, "Ok mom, Turn it UP!"
Space Hunter: Bet you didn't know my secret identity was a Jungle Space Alien Hunter. Even though we played outside at the park today with Macs Play group, when we got home he wasn't done playing outside so Commander QwIcK DrAw McCoy and I got busy blasting aliens. Today our mission was to tromp through the jungle landscaping and scout for bad space aliens. Don't be frightened though, I'm pretty sure we took em all out with our laZer guns.

Skateboarder: Ok, so technically neither McCoy nor I actually know how to ride a skateboard, but hey, we have been practicing our moves on the grass and I gotta say, we sure LOOK cool STANDING on the board.
Pirate: Before dinner we found ourselves outside again this time on the Sandbox Ship. We were Pirates trying to stay out of shark infested waters as our ship kept sinking. Good thing McCoy and I are excellent swimmers. (As long as there is no actual water involved) That's the last time I'll let McCoy be the lookout though! We crashed 6 times and never made it to the Island with the treasure!
Volcano Jumper: This one actually almost ended my night...I was following behind McCoy jumping from pillow to pillow er, I mean Hardened Lava Rock to Lava Rock trying to avoid falling on the carpet, er "Hot Lava" when I slipped on one of the said rocks and slid into a wall. Its just a dang good thing I happen to be playing with a Medic today. When he saw me fall McCoy ran and got his Doctor Kit, patched me up, told me I was good to go and then he said to come back and see him again next year when I turn Four for my check up. LOL
Crazy robot Inventor: So after the whole wall slide incident McCoy conceded to play a simpler safer game and we agreed on Legos. McCoy insisted we build a Robot Boy so this is what we did. He designed and I built. We got the body built and he said,"Stop, he doesn't need a head,watch this..." And then he proceeded to stand behind the robot and start talking in a robot voice and of course what did he say, "I am Robot boy." Followed by "Dome Arigato Mr Roboto" CLASSIC!

Horse Whisperer: After dinner Cowboy McCoy came downstairs to make an appearance in the kitchen and naturally he was looking for someone to tend his horse while he was taking down dirty varmint, so guess who got the job. I got to look after Ol Thunder for him while he was shoot'n bad guys. Good thing I had Plenty of Apples. "Horses sure love Apples!" (Back YardAGains Reference...you now you watch it!)

After all this play I finally convinced McCoy that we needed to sit down and rest and watch American Idol. He reluctantly agreed because of course watching television is really not high on his list of things to do as you can see, but he sat with me non the less and then I got to be my most favoritist thing in the whole wide world, CUDDLY MOM. I only get to be this when McCoy is extremely tired and Snuggly. He grabbed a blankie and laid his head in my lap, asked me to rub his back and then this is where my poor tuckered out Robot Rockstar Pirate Cowboy fell fast asleep. And I got to just pick him up and hold him and reminisce about all the fun stuff he makes me do! Thank heavens for little Boys!
1 comment:
You are such a good mom! I am tired just reading of your experiences.
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