Christmas was so much fun this year for Glade and I. We had a blast shopping for McCoy and just educating him on Christmas, the true meaning and all the traditions that come with this time of year. And McCoy just ate it all up! He was so excited for Christmas to come, he wrote a letter to Santa and we made treats all day Christmas eve and we even tried to deliver some of them to our neighbors and friends but that didn't work out as well as planed. Here is picture taken after McCoy frosted some cookies.

More of the Frosting went into McCoys mouth than it did on any of the cookies but he sure had fun and Glade and I had fun watching him and laughing as we kept catching him "Clean up" his spills! I Guess our friends must have had the same idea and were out doing the same thing because not many of them were home, but we did manage to get them mostly delivered at some point. We had a wonderful time driving around and checking out all the lights. I must say kudos to my neighborhood, there were some pretty awesome lights!

Here he is Christmas Eve opening one of his gifts from Nanna and Pops

That night we set out cookies and carrots for Santa and the reindeer and then Glade and I waited and waited for McCoy to fall asleep so we could set out Santa gifts. The next morning McCoy slept in till 10:00! I had to wake him up. LOL. He was so excited to see if Santa came he raced downstairs and saw his stocking was full and then he saw his Santa gifts under the tree. He was so thrilled that he got GEO Tracks but the first thing he said was..."Yeah, I got GEO Tracks! But Didn't Santa Know I wanted the other one?"
Back story...McCoy has wanted these tracks for over three months and so we knew we were getting them for him and we asked him several times which ones he wanted and he told us and that is what we got him. Apparently he told us wrong. We tried to compromise and told him we could take it back to the store and get him the other one but he had a better idea and this is what it was..."Mom, Santa gave me this one so I can't take it back but you and dad can go to the store and YOU can buy me the other one K? Then I can just keep them both. That's a good idea right." Long story short he now has both sets and he has been playing with them non stop.

He had so much fun tearing open his gifts and then with big sparkling eyes he would say "Oh, Thank You!" and sometimes we would even get an "OH, Thank You I LUB (love) it!" Even if it was just socks. Glade and I got so much enjoyment from just watching him and playing with him after he opened each gift. It took us over half the day to open gifts just because we played so much we would open presents play for a while, take a break and snack, open more gifts, play, take a break, open more gifts, play... it was so much fun and really made Christmas last all day!
And of course who better to share a fun event like Christmas with than your best freind and Teddy Bear! Even Build-A-Bear (thats the name of the bear LOL) got to open presents with McCoy. The teddy bear even got some presents of his own. McCoy sure loves that bear!

I was really sad to be so far away from all our family. It was really hard but I couldn't be too sad because I had the best two Christmas Companions to spend the holiday with! I love my guys so much and am just so overfilled with love for them both! I get so much joy just from being a part of their lives! The best gift ever will just be always getting to share my special days with them! Although my new Bed is also a nice gift! Thanks again babe, I LUB it!
We also got a wonderful after Chrismtas Gift! Grandma and Grandpa Peterson showed up after what was a very looong flight and trip, they made it safe and sound and we are so excited thrilled that they are here!
That is so funny! Looks like he had fun! I love that he said you guys can just get the ones he wanted! What a smarty! Merry Christmas and Happy New year!
Glad to hear you all had a Merry Christmas. Happy 2009!
What a great Christmas! I can't believe he got both geo tracks, what a lucky kid. I would have done the same thing though, I am such a sucker for all the cuteness...
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