Thank heavens for wonderful hubby's who would do anything to make their wifey's happy!
Saturday morning started off with a yummy breakfast and then we all get cleaned up and headed to the church which was offering a holiday relief baby-sitting service for the day. We took McCoy and left him with some wonderful young women and then Glade and I headed out to see the much awaited TWILIGHT! I have been looking forward to the movie, it seems like ages ago that I read the books. Anywho the movie was definitely a must see. I really enjoyed it, was unsure of some of it, and in some parts I liked my own imaginitive version better, but I don't want to say to much about it in case you haven't seen it yet in which case I just have to say, "What are you Waiting for?"
The best part of the show was however the handsome man sitting next to me. Glade and I rarely go to the theatre so it is so fun to get out with just the two of us knowing Mac Man was safe and sound. We picked him up and he couldn't stop talking about the all the fun things he did and he was so proud of the craft he made. The girls were great! I'm so glad we know such wonderful young ladies.
I saw the movie too! Loved it!
I saw it too - and I loved it, I am even contemplating seeing it again!
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