For the past few days I can not tell you how many times I have heard, "No Mom, that's not how Uncle Jordan does it," or "Nope, Uncle J says it like this." My boy sure LoVeS his Uncle Jordan and so do we. McCoy had a wonderful time while we were in Idaho, especially when he got to stay in Uncle Jordan's Room with all of his guitars. Poor Jordan, we kicked him out for a couple of days but he never complained. I love my little Bro so much, he is such a stud and Mac just thinks he is the greatest. Mac loves all his Aunts and Uncles but he knows that Uncle Jordan will play cars with him, or battle like pirates, or rock out for hours.

Jordan is so patient with Mac and so attentive to his constant need for attention. So I just had to give a shout out to my baby bro! You rOcK Uncle "J" and we love ya and miss ya bunches!!!!

How Sweet! Jordan is such a great uncle :)
Wow when did your little brother grow up??? Has it really been that long, where does the time go...anyway, it is really cute that Mac has a special bond with his uncle Jordan!
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