First off hope Everyone had a Happy 4th of July! We spent the morning in the church parking lot doing a bike parade and pancake breakfast sponsored by McDonald's. I pulled out some supplies to decorate Macs bike last night but he fell asleep before we could do it so I decorated for him while watching John & Kate Plus 8 (which I am so totally addicted to now - thanks Val). When he woke up today I had his bike sitting at the bottom of the stairs and he must have seen it on his walk over from his room to mine. When he got to my room the first thing he said was, "Mommy, I came to tell you something. Tank you for making my bike like that. It looks berry berry nice." Awwwhhhh. Isn't it nice to be appreciated! . (I soaked it up.) He was so thrilled to be riding his bike today with the "big" kids even though there was kids of all ages there. And he did so good, he was really cruising around the parking lot and he would wave at us as he went around. It was sooo cute. When he finished we asked him if he had fun to which he replied, "Yes, I did hab fun but those kids were beating me. I didn't win." Poor kid thought it was a race and that is why he was cruising so fast around the parade circle. We explained to him that it was not a race and everyone did a good job but having that competitive Peterson Spirit he was not happy until Daddy told him that he won the Two Year old race.
The morning was beautiful but when we got home we spent the afternoon staying in doors as it was pouring rain and thundering. Glade and I each got to take at nap, McCoy never did sleep, and we also got a wonderful call with some wonderful news! There is now 29 Peterson Grandchildren (30 if you count the 1 great granchild)! Glade's Sister Nicole had a baby girl last night! Congratulations Parkers! We can't wait to meet the new little miss Parker next month!
The good news also brought on good weather because it cleared up around 4 which was just about the time we headed over to our friends house for a BBQ. Thanks again Jenn and Scott for the wonderful food and fantastic desserts! We had a really great time and McCoy loves to play at his buddy Alex's house. Well everything was grand until it it came to fireworks time. McCoy started to have a serious panic attack. He was freaking out, not crying or screaming or anything he just refused to go outside and then he was worried that the house and the cars were going to "kasploid." He hid under a blanket for a while and then finally begged to go home. We took him home and I had to sit in the backseat with him. He was so quiet and wide eyed the whole ride home. My heart just broke. In general he is a big scaredy cat about everything especially loud noises but he gets over it quickly. We think he has anxiety issues. We use to joke about it but now we are starting to get a little worried. Tonight he was just so frightening it was so sad and I couldn't do nothing but hold him and tell him over and over it was all going to be ok and that fireworks are safe and some people enjoy them but if he doesn't than that's ok. Luckily after we got in the safety of our own home he was ok. He spent the rest of the night playing in one of our laps though and then finally fell asleep in Glades. Lord help me if anyone in the neighborhood has leftover fireworks tomorrow night though. Oh boy!

So I saw your mamma today and she said you were coming in August/September sometime. We decided that we need to have a girls day, pedicures and all!
That's too cute with him hiding under his blanket! I never thought about how the noise could be frightening for a child!
We totally got rained on for our 4th of July, but we still had a great time, and were still able to see some fireworks (must've been waterproof)
Glad yours was memorable too!! P-S I really like your couches! I want to come over and jump on them!!
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