As for our Daddy Glade, well McCoy and I had some fun with him. I am such a lucky Momma to have such a supportive wonderful hubby who takes such good care of and plays so well with our little guy. Glade and McCoy have such a special bond and it brings a smile to my face whenever I watch them play basketball, or punch, or cars. McCoy sure loves his daddy and I sure love the both of em! My guys ROCK! We did a special little Father's Day project this year. McCoy and Glade spend so much time playing on his little table so I wanted to do something to mark the year and the time they spend together, something fun and something McCoy would really enjoy. Soooo, I did just that...I let them make there mark and commemorate this year with their own two hands. Literally... One of McCoy's Favorite things to do is to trace his hand and cut it out and compare it with a cut out we have of Glades and Mine Hands. He loves to see how big his hands are getting and see that he is growing. So I thought he would enjoy seeing his hands and Daddy's hands together on his play table while they are playing. I still have some work to do on this project but you get the idea. It was fun for all.

As for the rest of last week, well it was a little bitter sweet. We had to say goodbye to our wonderful neighbors and good friends on Monday. They decided to relocate to Texas and as sad as we were to see them go we know they will be very happy there. This picture was taken the night before they left. We got lucky and got to spend one last fun night with little Miss Robbi before the went. McCoy sure is going to miss his little friend, I don't know what we are going to do without the Curry's. We miss you bunches already and hope you are settling in nicely over there.

Last week Glade and I also celebrated our four year anniversary! Its so crazy because last week I found a picture of Glade that I have held onto since we started dating. I love this photo because it reminds me just how long we have been in love. It is a photo of Glade and on the back of the picture it says, "When you take me by the hand...". It was taken in October of 2000. This photo has been to Alaska and back twice. Once I mailed it to Glade while he was on his mission because he wanted to see his goatee, and another time I actually carried it with me when I went on an Alaskan cruise in 2003. When Glade was on his miss, I calculated the distance apart we were (2,757 Miles 52 hours 48 minutes) and also wrote that on the back of this photo so I wouldn't forget that no matter how far apart we were, we would always have a special connection, a special bond. This photo has been such a huge staple in life, I carried it with me while we were dating, and even after we got married I would pull it out and take it with me whenever I had to travel without Glade or whenever Glade was away for work. The edges are so worn and there are so many holes in it from where I have pinned it up but I must admit even worn and tattered, Glade looks just as handsome as ever. I know its silly, but this photo means so much to me. I was in love with the boy in this photo then and I am still in love the man he has become now and I will continue to love him and all that he is yet to become! I hope to always remember him just like the boy in the picture, the hottie who stole my heart and now the man who still keeps it safe... I love you babe! To the moon and back!

I remember this picture!
That has got to be the best LOVE story ever! It made me cry... you guys are the cutest!
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