McCoy has had a busy past 2 weeks and trying to keep up with him has dang near exhausted me to the point that I have let my blogging go to the wayside. :) Not to mention my housework too. Ooops. Oh well, It all can wait because I have had so much fun playing with my boy. I don't have time to sweat the small stuff when I have super hero costumes to create, play dates to attend, feet to paing,cakes to bake and pools to blow up. I realize that I need to make the most of everyday with Mac because I am quickly loosing the battle against trying to keep him little. A woman complimented him the other day and said what a handsome and polite little boy he was. Much to hers and my surprise, he quickly and sourly snapped back, "No! I am not little I am BIG Boy!"
So here is what my "Big Boy" has been up to...
PLAYMOBILE Fun Park: an indoors play area with every playmobile set you can think of all laid out for the kids to play with and let there imaginations run wild. McCoy really loved the castles and the pirate ships.
This is Big Mac at A LATTE FUN: another indoors play area with a tramp, giant slide, all sorts of costumes and toys. It is a great place to get out of the heat and it is also a cafe so we got lunch there too. We love it.

Swim time!!! Of course he would only settle for the pool with a Basketball hoop and nothing less! So of course he wins again! And of course whats a little pool time with out your best bud, Mac and Robbi swam today and even enjoyed a little teeter totter time too.
Here he comes to save the day! Its a bird its a its super comic McCoy! He fly's up the stairs and jumps over small objects in a single bound! The Sunday paper sure came in handy on Monday!
And this day was Package day...McCoy's favorite day! Mac loves to get packages from his Pops. He lights up whenever we check the mail and there is a package. He immediately knows its for him and he gets so excited. Pops sends him a package every month and McCoy looks so forward to it! You are the greatest dad and big fella sure loves you bunches!!! Check out that smile! That's gratitude and love rolled into one!

Sounds like a busy and fun couple of weeks. McCoy is getting so tall. That picture of him all stretched out on that bench makes him look so tall. I guess he is almost 3 huh?
Wow, you guys sure do now how to play!
Fun - Peterson style!! I want you to be my mommy. You make me sooo nervous everytime I see you having fun. Come home already Jeez.
SO much fun! Well, I really shouldn't expect anything else though coming from a free spirit like you. So, I LOVE when I get packages from home too! I'm thinking I may need to let me mom know about this once a month thing though. ;-)
love all those fun pictures. and I will say it along with everyone else, "you are a great mommy!"
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