HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN MARRIED: Going on 4 short but wonderful Years.
HOW LONG DID WE DATE: We started dating in 2000 then Glade went on his mission and we got back together shortly after that in 2002 and we got married in 2004.
WHO SAID I LOVE YOU FIRST: He did. He had wanted to say it for a while and then one night he said, “Do you know that song, ‘I think I love you, but what am I so afraid of’? Then he said, “well yea, I Love You!” It was so corny but cute.
WHO IS TALLER: Glade by almost a foot.
WHO SINGS BETTER: This would be like comparing the worst of the worst. Glade and love to sing to each other but we are both tone deaf as all get up. Ironically we both come from extremely musically talented families. Go figure.
WHO'S SMARTER: Glade is more book smarts and I am more people smarts. We help each other out a lot and benefit from each others strengths.
WHO PAYS THE BILLS: Glade. This makes both of our lives much easier. He is the accountant after all.
WHO SLEEPS ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE BED: I do because it is furthest away from the door and the window. I am such a chicken.
WHO MOWS THE LAWN: Don’t know his name but he does a good job. We have a service only because our homeowners association pays for it.
WHO COOKS DINNER: I do most every night and although I can’t say that I enjoy the actual cooking of dinner, I do Love serving my family a warm homemade meal.
WHO DRIVES: Glade, he goes crazy whenever anyone else drives.
WHO'S MORE STUBBORN: Of course I am going to say Glade, but if he where to be the one writing this I’m sure it would be a different story.
WHO KISSED WHO FIRST: I would say he kissed me and he would say I kissed him so we still don’t know to this day other than we were meant to kiss each other that night and fall in love!
WHO ASKED OUT WHO FIRST: His best friend asked me out for him. My poor hubby was clueless in the girlfriend department.
WHO PROPOSED: Glade. He asked my parents first and then the next night was the night before Christmas eve and he asked me over to his parents house and told me he got me an early present. He gave me an empty ring box with a cute poem and his proposal. The ring was waiting for me on the Christmas tree hung on a beautiful Glass ornament. After we got the ring off the tree he got down and one knee and put it on me. It was one of those commercial proposals and I loved every second of it!
WHO HAS MORE SIBLINGS: Glade, he has 8 brothers and sisters.
WHO WEARS THE PANTS: We both do. Tight stretchy pants that make us look tight like tigers! Rrraarrhh.
I TAG: Sarah Stokes, Wendy Darling, Nicki Bradbury
you look so gorgeous in that photo and I guess that Glade doesn't look too bad either. :)
Alrighty! I'll do it! You guys are so cute!
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