Ok, Steph and Jen here it goes...
A: The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B: Each player answers the questions about themselves.
C: At the end of the post, the player then tags 3 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
10 Years Ago:
I was hanging with my girlfriends in high school and just having a grand old time!
Things on my to-do list today:
1. Wake McCoy up and make sure him and Glade get breakfast
2. Do dishes from last night and clean the kitchen
3. Take McCoy to story time at 10:15.
4. Stop at the scrapbook store for final supplies for this weekend
5. Run business errands, bank, post office, etc.
6. Make lunch for Mac then read him his stories and put him down for nap
7. Work: make calls, input invoices, file and tidy up office
8. Finish hanging my utility shelves in my laundry room
9. Make dinner, do dishes, clean kitchen, yada yada
10. Put my little Rockstar to bed, snuggle with Glade and watch Lost before bed.
What I would do if I were suddenly made a billionaire:
I can't remember who wrote it but I liked their answer, I would most likely invest a lot of it, then Glade and I would build our dream home, pay off our parents house's, take our families and closest friends on a cruise vacation, of course put aside money for Macs (and future children’s) schooling, make sure all our funeral arrangements are paid for, and of course we want to take care of our parents when they reach their years of need. I would also probably make some ridiculously stupid purchases too because...hello I have a billion dollars to spend.
3 of my bad habits:
1. I can't break myself of needing to eat dessert after lunch AND dinner AND for a snack. I often eat cake three times a day.
2. I refuse to hand wash dishes. I will leave dishes in the sink until the dishwasher is free.
3. I'm an angry driver. I have had to learn to really watch myself while I am driving now that McCoy is a little parrot and will repeat anything we say.
3 places I have lived:
1. Burley/Heyburn, Idaho
2. Boise/Meridian, Idaho
3. Greenacres/Wellington, Florida
5 jobs that I have had:
1. Cleaning my dads office @ Butte Fence
2. Fire Prevention Technician for the BLM
3. Working in Public Affairs for BLM
4. I did volunteer PR work for the Boise Rescue Mission
5. Doing the Pest Control Thang, working part time and being a mommy and wife full time and loving every minute of it.
5 Things people don't know about me:
1. I want to sky dive soooooo bad. It is all I can think about these days.
2. I am the slowest eater in the world except when it comes to cereal! I can inhale cereal because I absolutely hate my cereal to get even a little bit soggy.
3. When I yawn sometimes my throat does this thing where it literally stretches and the muscles pull and the noise it makes sounds like a small fart! Gross huh. Its way embarrassing.
4. I compulsively doodle. All my message books have doodle markings everywhere. I can't stop myself.
5. I love to eat lemons! They are so juicy and sour. When I need to relax and just have some me time nothing is better than some mindless tv time, a big glass of ice water and a big juicy lemon and salt. I don't know what it is but it instantly puts me at ease.
I tag:
1. Kellie Perkes
2. Angie Searle
3. Jamie Perkins