So as you probably know by now, the Redskins lost on Sunday. They made a good run for it at the end but never came through. It was still a very very memorable day. My darling hubby as been a Redskins fan since he was just a little older than McCoy. Seriously! (I've got the pictures of him in a Redskins Uniform to prove it. LOL) Anywho this was his first time to see Washington play live and it was so cool to be there to experience that with him. There was so many fans there. Even the Bucs fans were saying that there was more Redskins fans there than any other team had show up all year. So that was pretty cool to see all the fellow fans. The Raymond James Stadium is pretty amazing too. They have a huge pirate ship that shoots off canons after touchdowns. McCoy was really enthusiastic when we first got there but after teh first canon went off he got a little nervous so him and I spend most of the time out by the food courts! I have never eaten so much consession food in my life.LOL. It was all good though and we had a great time. Glade is already planning a trip to Washington to watch them play at home! Go team!
Game Day!!!
So as you probably know by now, the Redskins lost on Sunday. They made a good run for it at the end but never came through. It was still a very very memorable day. My darling hubby as been a Redskins fan since he was just a little older than McCoy. Seriously! (I've got the pictures of him in a Redskins Uniform to prove it. LOL) Anywho this was his first time to see Washington play live and it was so cool to be there to experience that with him. There was so many fans there. Even the Bucs fans were saying that there was more Redskins fans there than any other team had show up all year. So that was pretty cool to see all the fellow fans. The Raymond James Stadium is pretty amazing too. They have a huge pirate ship that shoots off canons after touchdowns. McCoy was really enthusiastic when we first got there but after teh first canon went off he got a little nervous so him and I spend most of the time out by the food courts! I have never eaten so much consession food in my life.LOL. It was all good though and we had a great time. Glade is already planning a trip to Washington to watch them play at home! Go team!
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My Little Sunshine
I love the black and white picture. That is adorable!
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