Both kiddos woke up unusually early today but then they both fell back asleep for an early nap. So when Ten rolled around I had to literally pick them up out of bed and put them in their car seats so we could go meet some friends at the pumpkin patch. Well on the drive there McCoy wakes up and starts begging to turn around and go home because he doesn't feel well. So we scratched the trip. :( He is laying in bed now poor little fella. I feel so bad. I hate when my kids are sick. Bentley was sick at the beginning of the week and I think McCoy finally caught it. The pediatrician said it is just a 48 hour bug that is going around so hopefully he will be feeling better by Saturday.
On a side note: More wise words from McCoy... ... ...
McCoy: Mom I want an Ant farm
Me: Umm, well you will have to put that on your Christmas list.
McCoy: MOM, don't you know it SNOWS at the North Pole!
Me: Yea, so?
McCoy: Ants can't survive in the snow. I can't ask Santa for a Ant farm because there are no ants in the North Pole!
Pumpkin Patch Trip #1
Good morning Spencer...
McCoy woke up this morning and ran into the bathroom to check on Spencer and I overheard him say, "Good Morning Spencer. Did you have some good sleeps? Did you have any good dreams? Guess what I dreamed about.. ... ..."
The Yarbell and other funny McCoy Stories
The YARBELL! McCoy's latest "invention."
In his words, "The yarbell is is for children and babies. To help your Children and babies sleep better because it is extra comfy and soft and is only made on a bed for super softness! That's what helps the children sleep better."
He grabbed every blanket and pillow he could find and piled them on my bed then laid my super soft blanket over the entire pillow mound and then gave me the above infomercial on his new invention the Yarbell. Kid is a salesman LOL.
This is Mac alseep in his Yarbell. Awe. It really works!
McCoy: Mom, who created God? Me: Nobody. God is the Creator. He created everything.
McCoy: So he created people? Me: Yes. God created Adam and then he made Eve so Adam wouldn't be lonely. McCoy: Who did God make to keep Eve company then? Me: Well she had Adam McCoy: But he is just one boring guy. She needs a friend too. I LOVE all my friends. Who will she play with? Me: (after I stopped laughing). Well, Adam was her friend too and she was his. And then they had babies and those babies had babies and so on and so on and then there was lots of people on the earth and they had lots of family and friends.
McCoy: So God just made two people! Adam and Eve made the most ya know!
(side note: this conversation as with the majority of our conversations, start off so random. Out of the blue he will just come out with these questions. He was sitting on the floor playing with his cars when he looked up and asked me this as I was walking by. I love it. I love that he is always thinking)
Glade and I were discussing some options for our winter travel plans and I threw out that maybe him and McCoy should go on a father son trip. I asked McCoy if he would want to go on a trip with just him and daddy. He looked at me, looked at Glade and sternly said, NO. I can't go anywhere without MY Bentley!
We were all in the bed the other morning catching a few more minutes of sleep when McCoy woke up rolled over and cozied up to Bentley and said, "Come her little sissy, I need my morning snuggles from my sissy."
And last but not least. McCoy got a new fish today because his other fish Girly who we had for almost a year, died. :'(
He picked out his new fish right away and wouldn't even look at another fish. He carried the container up to the counter and told the cashier. This little fella is my new friend pet. I will take good care of him forever!
In the car he called his dad to tell him and he said, "Dad, I got a new fish today. He is a blue Double Tail Male and he is Beautiful! Oh, and I named him Spencer."
He held the fish while we drove home and I could hear him saying, "Spencer you are gonna love our house. Its big and I have fun toys and a nice little glass fish house for you to live in. You will Love it. I will take such good care of you and love you forever!" When we got home I grabbed the fish so McCoy could unbuckle and the fish started swimming around like crazy. McCoy immediately snatched the fish back and said, "Oh mom, you scared him. Its OK little fella, I'm right here. See mom he likes me! When I talk to him he looks right at me."
I love watching him put forth so much care and love. He is so wonderful with his sister so I shouldn't have expected anything less for a fish. He is such a terrific big brother and I am so proud of him everyday. I love my babies so much and love all the time I get to spend with them.
What??? Where has the past seven months gone???
My days are disappearing like the sands of time. I can't spend enough time with my babies. I am so glad that we decided to keep McCoy home this year. Homeschooling has been going great. We have so much fun and he amazes me everyday and entertains me with his witty comments and crazy energy. He started Karate Last month and so far really enjoys it. I think it is a challange for him to stay so focused through the entire class but he loves it and is trying his best to do good.
Poor boy has also been coughing like crazy lately in and out of the docs, they thought it was different colds, come to find out he has some pretty bad allergies. He is on the nebulizer now. Every four hours for the past week. He doesn't like it, but it is really helping him. We told him it was a Darth Vader Mask and that helped a bit ;)
And as for the beautiful Princess Bentley, well well. There is so much to say. She amazes me too! She has so much drive and determination to move and keep up with her older brother. She is crawling like crazy, pulling herself up to standing position on everything she can reach for, climbing the stairs, squealing, laughing, screaming (whens she gets mad - boy does she get mad hee hee) and just being one active little girl. She loves to wear her pretties (bracelets and hair bows). She loves bath time and breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner time. Anytime she gets to eat is a good time :). Whatever we put in front of her is as good as gone. She actually had her first fry the other day. I gave it to her to hold and suck on figuring she would nibble and get a taste. Not 2 seconds after I gave it to her she had devoured it and was signing for "more". She can sign the words; eat, more and a form of water. We are working on milk and yes. I think baby singing is so helpful. I signed with McCoy and I believe it was a huge factor as to why he was such a calm baby. I also think it played a big part in his overall language skills. The kid skipped right over mamma dadda and started talking full sentences, he has a huge vocabulary and he also started reading at four. So Bentley Paige is following in brothers footsteps and learning her signs. She also waves Hi and she understand No (doesn't always comply little stinker, but she understands). 
She loves her big brother like crazy. He can always make her smile. They have started to actually play together and I have to say it just melts my heart to hear them laughing and giggling at each other.

I know that I am so blessed to be able to stay home with my babies and I am just eating up our together time. I won't leave out the fact that yes, there are days and moments when it is trying and tough and I just want a minute of alone time, but I can't be sour for too long because I just keep thinking about how fast time fly's and how fast my babies are growing up. I am trying to take in every moment and enjoy all that I can. 
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My Little Sunshine