Our teeny tiny baby boy is officially a KID!!!! The big whopping 5.0! We just can't believe how fast time has flown. We love our boy so much and are amazed and proud beyond all belief at how amazing and special this little guy is! Here is a little peak at why we think the MacAttack is totally AWESOME...
-He loves his family so much and would do anything to protect his baby sister.
-The kid has mad style! Just ask him. He totally Rocks Pink!
-Normally he eats like a bird but if you put Pizza or Hot Dogs in front of him watch out!
-He is so smart! He has a love for learning. Always asking questions, trying to figure things out, and coming up with his own ideas and ways to do things.
-He loves books! He loves to read (proud parent boast: he is actually awesome at reading. He reads EVERYTHING! He is such a good reader. We love to listen to him read to us and his baby sister)
-He's got the moves! Ok so he may not be the best skateboarder or BMX rider but he sure looks good trying to be. He loves to watch himself in the mirror or watch his shadow and perfect his moves. His light saber skills are off the hook :)
-So you think you can dance: He does! He loves to dance and thinks he knows karate dancing too.
-He is the safest wild guy you will ever meet. We nicknamed him Danger Dude - but he is so NOT dangerous LOL.
-He is very technologically sav vy. A youtube surfing, comp game playin', xbox living, ds doing techy fool. (He wanted an IPad for his B-day. Daddy said no go for 5yrs old. Maybe when he's six LOL).
-He gives the best hugs and smoocheroos. When those skinny arms wrap around your neck your troubles melt away.
-His laugh is infectious and his wit never ceases to make us smile.
We love our not so baby boy to infinity and beyond, always and forever!