Sitting around Tuesday night feeling "Snacky" and unsure of what we wanted, the hubby suggested Chocolate Chip cookies. Now being the wonderful loving wifey that I am... and because we had nothing else sweet enough to satisfy my craving, I jumped in the kitchen to whip up a batch. As I was baking Glade asked, "Why don't you bake cookies more often. I can't remember the last time you made any?" To which I replied, "Huh, I don't know, too busy maby?" Well after the first batch came out of the oven I quickly remembered the real reason why I don't bake cookies...I am really BAD at it! I will be the first to admit that I am no whiz in the kitchen but I can usually follow a recipe pretty good when it comes to anything else. But when it comes to cookies I always manage to forget and ingredient, add to much of an ingredient and or on top of that I usually manage to burn them too!
Well this go round I followed the instructions to the Tee because I was REALLY wanting these cookies and despite my best intentions... I still ended up with this...Crusty flour balls with chocolate chips. . .Yuck!

I don't know why but I was completely beside myself that I couldn't complete this simple task! And of course my loving husband couldn't resist commenting on the fact that chocolate chip cookies are the first things that most young girls learn how to make because they are so easy! Arrggg. Wrong thing to say! But it was the right thing to say to motivate me.(He knows how to push my buttons). I went to grocery store the next day and got reinforcements. I was determined to bake ten batches that night if necessary till I got it right. Luckily (for my sanity) the first try was a success. And Lucky for Glade I was so happy and proud of myself that I even decided to share with him despite his snarky comments. The dough was so yummy we ate most of it uncooked and the warm cookies were the perfect mix of crispy edges and soft middles. Yum!

And we havent quiet got our fill so if any one has a killer cookie reciepe please feel free to share. I am still looking to get in a few more practice hours! Smiles.
Really, all of this boils down to the fact that we have had some big decisions to make lately and we are still working on making some of them and I feel so out of control. So although conquering cookies is no big thing to anyone else and it even seems so silly now, at that moment in time it was a big deal to me, to say the least... it was very therapeutic. Go figure.