I am Sooooo Not Ready for this...

So, I woke up early today in the middle of the dark hours to go and wait in line to register McCoy for Preschool. I have heard these registrations get pretty crazy and full fast so I thought I would get there a little early. Come to find out I have no concept of early apparently. When I arrived there was a group of campers waiting by the front door of the school. CAMPERS! Parents camped out all day yesterday and all night to register their children for PRESCHOOL! I have to note though that this school, which by some miracle we lucked out and got McCoy enrolled last year, after registration, and we didn't have to go through all the hoops, is actually a very awesome school and we have been so happy thus far. Luckily I got McCoy enrolled for next year and all turned out well, but seriously if preschool registrations are this crazy I am so not ready for the upcoming school years!

I am a sucker for any Holiday...Especially ones cenered around candy! Must be why Halloween is one of my favs too!
We had a great week sending and receiving Valentines. The week started off with a card from Grandma and Grandpa Peterson. McCoy is always so happy to get mail with his name on it. He looks forward to checking the mail every day. :)

And on Wednesday we got or Valentines Package from Nanna & Pops and Torrez Fam. My brother Steven gets me Chocolates Every Year! He is the absolute best. He never forgets my birthday and he always picks me the most thoughtful gifts at Christmas too. Thank you Big Brother and Thank you Nanna and Pops for McCoy's cookies and Chocolates. He loves Nanna's homeade sugar cookies. I am so glad they made the trip from Idaho!
Mac also had his little Valentines Party at school on Thursday and he came home so excited to read and reread his Valentines. It was soo cute. We had to miss the Valentines Party with our Play group and we were both so bummed. Come to find out Valentines Cards were not the only thing McCoy brought home from school! So since we had the sickness cooties we were home bound for the rest of the weekend but we still managed to have a nice simple Valentines. Saturday afternoon after daddy got home from work and I fisnished up all my housecleaning, the three of us sat down to a nice little festive Valentines Barbaque Dinner. We just kept it simple but it was fun. I found some cherry seven up that we drank out of goblets and put the side dishes in heart shaped bowls. McCoy made place cards for all for us and we decorated with hearts of cours. It was all just silly little extra stuff like that but we enjoyed it and it was great fun family time.

We even made a game of going around the table and talking about why we love one another. McCoy came up with some great answers...
McCoy: "I love daddy because he loves corn on the cob like me!" "I Love Daddy because it's funny when he is grouchy." "And I love Daddy because he plays Basketball and Xbox with me!"
These are some pics from McCoy's Valentines Card to his Daddy. I told Mac to pick one of his many costumes and we would make a picture card for daddy and he chose his Cunstruction stuff because as he said, "it is tough boy stuff like daddy!"
The card read: Tough and True Just Like You! Happy Valentines Day Daddy! This card was "Built" with LOVE!

After dinner we hit the gym and then it was off to an early bedtime for McCoy so mom and daddy could enjoy a nice quiet Valentines evening snuggling and watching a romantic comedy.
I love this Holiday!
The Week of Many Firsts...
Some Mommy & McCoy 1st's...
1. McCoy and Mommy's First time to be alone in Florida without Daddy
2. McCoy's First Trip to the Zoo (not really but he has no recollection of ever going before.Its been over 2 years)
3. McCoy's First time being babysat by another daddy & McCoy's First time leaving the house with someone other than mommy.
4. Mommy's 2nd time hosting Bunco but the First time we have done an open house and let whoever wants to come be there.
5. McCoy's first trip to Chuck E.Cheese
6. McCoy's first time trying POP Rocks! So hilarious. Wish I would have video taped it.
This week was all about Mommy and McCoy! Daddy had to go out of town for business and we really miss him but we have been so busy this week we hardly have had time to think about anything. We've never been here in Florida without him so we are adjusting and missing him bunches but mostly just being jealous because he is in a warmer climate!
I think it's warmer in Nevada than it is here right now. I wish this stinking cold front would pass already! We are freezing! At least there is no snow ;-)Right. LOL. Had to throw that in there! :)
We dropped daddy off at the airport on Tuesday and Wednesday Mac and I headed to the zoo with some friends. When we pulled up McCoy said, "Mom, are you sure about this. We can't take the car in there? What if the animals get us? He is so use to going on the Lion Country Safari where you drive through so he thought we were just going to be walking around all these wild animals and he was terrified. He didn't want to go in until I convinced him they would be in cages and couldn't get out. Once inside he was loving it. Him and his little "girlfriend" were so cute together. My little Mac man is usually so anti girly stuff. He absolutely hates when they try to to hold his hand or hug him but today he was eating it up. He beamed when his little girlfriend asked to hold his hands. They held hands all over the park, it was so cute!

Thursday I dropped Mac off at School and went straight to work so I could finish up and spend the rest of the day cooking and prepping for my Bunco Party! Next month will be the one year anniversary of our little Bunco Group and I have to say it has been such a fun year! I really enjoy and look forward to my monthly night out with the Bunco Babes. This month we decided to do our first open house night. We usually only allow the first 12 players to RSVP but this month we just kept the invite open and I had a house full of lovely ladies being loud and rolling dice! We ate well and had a ball. Thanks so much Wendy for all your help and Thanks to your awesome hubby who watched McCoy! Mac said he had so much fun playing with your kiddos and still will not stop talking about your "magic van" that opens doors by itself. That was the first time someone other than mommy or daddy has picked him up and taken him. I can't believe he just kissed me and left. No tears! Of course I'm happy there was no tears but ya know that over protective mommy in me was a little sad too. Ya know how it goes.
Friday we packed up and to meet some friends from our play group at the new Chuck E Cheese. Mac has never been to an arcade place and boy did he have a ball! I Was really impressed with all the games and rides they have for smaller children. I thought it was just going to be arcades games but there is actually so much more there! The mouse was walking around when we first got there and Mac's eyes just lit up and he high fived him and gave him a big hug. This was also a first because last year at Disney he was terrified of all the characters. Glad to know we can head back to Disney now! :)

And today was McCOy's One Year Anniversary doing the Home Depot Kids Workshops! We are so glad HD offers this little program. McCoy has an absolute blast working with the tools and building his own projects. He walks away a little taller each time beaming with pride that he built something so cool and he gets a pin and they take his picture and tell him what a great job he did! Don't we all love to get compliments from someone other than mommy and daddy! :) He just eats it up!

And since Home Depot is right next to Dunken Doughnuts we always stop by afterward for a little treat! Its just another part of our HD tradition. Little stinker was not happy with me for busting out the camera though. He is so over having his picture taken. If you notice most pictures I post of him are ones where he is not looking. He is only 3 and I have already ruined him. :(
1. McCoy and Mommy's First time to be alone in Florida without Daddy
2. McCoy's First Trip to the Zoo (not really but he has no recollection of ever going before.Its been over 2 years)
3. McCoy's First time being babysat by another daddy & McCoy's First time leaving the house with someone other than mommy.
4. Mommy's 2nd time hosting Bunco but the First time we have done an open house and let whoever wants to come be there.
5. McCoy's first trip to Chuck E.Cheese
6. McCoy's first time trying POP Rocks! So hilarious. Wish I would have video taped it.
This week was all about Mommy and McCoy! Daddy had to go out of town for business and we really miss him but we have been so busy this week we hardly have had time to think about anything. We've never been here in Florida without him so we are adjusting and missing him bunches but mostly just being jealous because he is in a warmer climate!

Thursday I dropped Mac off at School and went straight to work so I could finish up and spend the rest of the day cooking and prepping for my Bunco Party! Next month will be the one year anniversary of our little Bunco Group and I have to say it has been such a fun year! I really enjoy and look forward to my monthly night out with the Bunco Babes. This month we decided to do our first open house night. We usually only allow the first 12 players to RSVP but this month we just kept the invite open and I had a house full of lovely ladies being loud and rolling dice! We ate well and had a ball. Thanks so much Wendy for all your help and Thanks to your awesome hubby who watched McCoy! Mac said he had so much fun playing with your kiddos and still will not stop talking about your "magic van" that opens doors by itself. That was the first time someone other than mommy or daddy has picked him up and taken him. I can't believe he just kissed me and left. No tears! Of course I'm happy there was no tears but ya know that over protective mommy in me was a little sad too. Ya know how it goes.
Friday we packed up and to meet some friends from our play group at the new Chuck E Cheese. Mac has never been to an arcade place and boy did he have a ball! I Was really impressed with all the games and rides they have for smaller children. I thought it was just going to be arcades games but there is actually so much more there! The mouse was walking around when we first got there and Mac's eyes just lit up and he high fived him and gave him a big hug. This was also a first because last year at Disney he was terrified of all the characters. Glad to know we can head back to Disney now! :)

And today was McCOy's One Year Anniversary doing the Home Depot Kids Workshops! We are so glad HD offers this little program. McCoy has an absolute blast working with the tools and building his own projects. He walks away a little taller each time beaming with pride that he built something so cool and he gets a pin and they take his picture and tell him what a great job he did! Don't we all love to get compliments from someone other than mommy and daddy! :) He just eats it up!

And since Home Depot is right next to Dunken Doughnuts we always stop by afterward for a little treat! Its just another part of our HD tradition. Little stinker was not happy with me for busting out the camera though. He is so over having his picture taken. If you notice most pictures I post of him are ones where he is not looking. He is only 3 and I have already ruined him. :(
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My Little Sunshine