Bored??? I think Not!
Oh the mind of a child! McCoy and I have the most interesting and often hilarious conversations these days. I tell you he never ceases to amaze, shock and most of all inspire me. My little man has so much to say these days. He has questions about EVERYTHING, he has opinions on EVERYTHING! Most of the time I can't imagine not spending time solely focused on him and his needs but... aah yes there is a but...there are those times when I wish I could cover his mouth and have often told him he is "bugging and or bothering me" and I have to tell him to give me minute to which he cooley replies, "No Mom, YOUR buggin and boddering me."
His imagination seems to be working ten fold these days. The other day I found him sitting on the floor with a rug and a piece of the fax machine. I watched him comb over the rug with the fax machine piece over and over again. When he finally noticed me he said, "Look mom, This is my field and I am harvesting this seed. Do you see my plower?" When I took a closer look I realized that he had placed a small screw on the carpet and was "Plowing" over it with his pretend combine harvester. He meticulously played at this for a couple of minutes and I found myself caught up in his make-believe - which happens quiet often to tell you the truth. I think we both expected his seed to sprout! :) What amazes me is I have no idea where he dreamed this up. We don't watch much TV and we have never seen farm life first hand around here??? And yet, the kid loves Tractors. Go figure.

My boy loves to play dress up too, cowboys is still his fav. He loves his boots! Lately he has been into pretending he is a rock and roll singer. He jumps up on one of my benches and says it is his "stage." Then he points out in front of him to make believe people and says they are his audience. He has even started asking me to announce his performance so before he begins he hands me the microphone and I have to say, "Ladies and Gentlemen here is McCoy to perform..." His favorite song to sing as he says it, is "I wanna Rock N Roll to the night." (KISS: I wanna Rock and Roll all Night). He busts out his guitar and starts jamming and has me hold his mic. He really gets into it, jumping of the stage, pointing at random imaginary people, and even taking a bow when he is done. You would think there was actually a crowd in front him. :)

And being how I am a big fan of So You Think You Can Dance...McCoy also likes to pretend he is a hip hop dancer. He loved the episode last week when the little boy danced. McCoy gets on the floor and kicks his legs around bounces around for a bit. It doesn't look much like dancing yet but it sure wears him out which is wonderful! Here are some pics of him busting out some moves on the sidewalk.

This last week has really flown by. We have been here and there getting in as much play time with our friends before we take off. The past few days have been filled with kiddie playdates, Kinderdance, Bunco, a much needed pedicure - Thanks again Jen, basketball, Scrapbooking nights, a Partylight Candles/Tastefully simple party, and of course lots and lots of eating. We are getting anxious for our departure date to arrive now! We are so excited to be going home to see our families! I think for the most part I have already checked mind is already on vacation! :) Only three more days left!