Hope Everyone had a Happy Easter. McCoy really got into hunting for eggs this year. He participated in three egg hunts, one for his playgroup on Thursday. At that one he really didn’t feel like hunting eggs until he found out they hand candy in them & then he wanted to find an egg, open it and eat the candy before he found another one. This slowed him down a bit. LOL. The second hunt was put on by our neighborhood clubhouse on Saturday and there was tons of small children so he had fun. Then we had a little hunt here at the house after church on Sunday. We were so tired after lunch that we lounged around and half napped and the Easter Bunny almost forgot to come. Luckily he made it even through it poured all day and McCoy had a nice little egg hunt in the front room. Thanks again to McCoy's Nanna and Pops for sending him his Race Car basket. He loved the Lightning McQueen Eggs. Also Thanks Mom for giving him the book "What is Easter." I know you gave it to him last year but he still loves it. It is such a great story about what Easter is really about. It is perfect for children and McCoy actually loves to read it all year round. Thanks again. I recommend it to everyone. It is called "What is Easter?" and it is written by Michelle Medlock Adams.
We also took McCoy to go see Horton Hears a Who over the weekend and he absolutely loved it. It was his first Big Boy movie in the Theatre. (besides CARS which he slept through) He has always loved the book by Dr. Sues and as soon as he saw previews for the movie he asked to go see it. I promised him if he was good we would take him. He was so excited all week until it came time to go to the theatre and then he was a little hesitant. I asked him what was wrong and he said, "Mom, the theatre is scary?" I said no buddy its not scary. Do you think you will be ok if we go? To which he replied, "Yup, I ok but tell it not to be scarry K, Oh and I sit wit you right?." He was a little scarred when we first walked in because it was so dark so he sat in my lap but as soon as the cartoon came on he was smiling and laughing. He had to cover his eyes once but all in all it was a cute movie and a fun family film for our little guy.

We woke up this morning absolutely freezing. We slept with the windows open because we heard it was going to cool off during the night. But when we woke up none of us wanted to get out of bed and as soon as we did we immediately put on our slippers and sweat pants and McCoy and I even had to throw on our jackets. We checked the thermostat sure it would read freezing, only to find out that it was just 63 degrees. If we lived back in Idaho we would be enjoying a warm front. LOL. We had to laugh at ourselves for our dramatic morning. :) Even though we stayed bundled up through out most of the day. Around noon it warmed up a bit so Mac took his jacket off and we spent the rest of the day outside enjoying the cool weather. I finally got some gardening done and I’m getting excited to get out and plant flowers and spruce up my yard. It’s funny because it’s hard to realize it is spring because things just bloom and grow here all year round. I have never seen it not green here. I love it but it is a strange change, I am starting to miss the spring and fall seasons. (Not so much the winter yet though)
But to everyone else out there who is watching things blossom: “Happy Spring” from our home to yours.”