Go Big Blue, GO BSU
Now that its fall again, time for the wonderful Thursday night line-up. Glade and I had a such an entertaining evening watching our favorite shows together. We love Grey’s Anatomy and The Office. We also get a kick out of watching My name is Earl (Don’t ask why, we just took to this one for some reason). I love GA, I am so lame but it really moves me. Each episode makes me sad, excited, or angry or all three. LOL. Glade makes fun of me for getting all worked up over my shows, but he does the same thing, worse I might add, for football and I see no difference so that argument ends there. We all got excited for football tonight though. Of course we were supporting the boys in BLUE! We try to never miss a game. They are never on television here so we usually have to watch the games through Broncoweb but tonight we got to watch it on the big screen. McCoy is so funny because he mimics Glade so much so whenever Glade would get all excited MacMan would be right there jumping and cheering and when things were bad there was Mac shaking his little fist and head at the TV. It was hilarious. Luckily there was more jumping and screaming than finger shaking. LOL. Go Broncos!
What's your favorite Chip Dip???
McCoy has always loved yogurt. He lived off of Yo-Baby for a while. Lately he has been in an experimental mood with his food. Today it was yogurt spread over tortilla chips! Yumm Yumm right? Maybe not to you and me but it sure was tasty to him. I laughed so hard because watching him eat his yogurt chips reminded me of my two younger brothers who, when they were little, use to dip every sandwich they had in whatever they were drinking. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich got dipped in Milk. OK, not so bad, but in Kool-aid? Or a tuna sandwich dipped in OJ. Gag. I guess its a kid thing. Thankfully I dont remember any of my own weird eating habbits. LOL.
Im getting bigger everyday...
Glade and I were both conked out cold this morning. McCoy woke up early and kind of nudged us to get up like he usually does. When neither of us woke up, he climbed over Glade and down the side of the bed walked down the hall to his bedroom turned on his TV, grabbed some toys and his blankie and sat in his little leather chair to snuggled up and play. We felt him get up and so we got out of bed a few minutes later to check on him and he was so content all by himself and so proud of himself for being such a big boy. I was so impressed! As soon as he noticed I was watching he got up gave me a kiss and a hug and pointed me in the direction of the kitchen so I could open the fridge for him and then he proceeded to grab a juice sippi cup and a yogurt, closed the fridge and then put his breakfast down on the table, walked over the silverware drawer and signed spoon.
WOW, when did my baby get to be so big, so independent and so smart. If he could have opened the fridge all by himself I dont think he would have missed me very much this morning! Now if he could only learn to measure the laundry soap and do a few loads of whites I would really be impressed! Just kidding, its just that I guess I have been in denial about my baby getting bigger. I know I have a million more milestones to witness McCoy growing up but I just dont think Im ready. I absolutly love playing with my "Big Boy" but sometimes I sure do miss my "baby"!
WOW, when did my baby get to be so big, so independent and so smart. If he could have opened the fridge all by himself I dont think he would have missed me very much this morning! Now if he could only learn to measure the laundry soap and do a few loads of whites I would really be impressed! Just kidding, its just that I guess I have been in denial about my baby getting bigger. I know I have a million more milestones to witness McCoy growing up but I just dont think Im ready. I absolutly love playing with my "Big Boy" but sometimes I sure do miss my "baby"!
McCoy's Birthday Trip...
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My Little Sunshine